Discover Big Data at NJIT
In this program, students focus on the technologies behind managing vast amounts of data, writing complex queries on the data and optimizing the performance of database/storage systems to reduce operational costs. They will learn how to store, access and analyze Big Data, and how to efficiently extract information from that data to make important financial, business and social decisions. Instruction includes formal lectures as well as hands-on projects involving big datasets and data pipeline processing. Students will make extensive use of software tools such as SQL, MongoDB, Hadoop, Hive, Pig and UML.
Students work on assignments and projects covering both theory and applications on real data with guidance from the professor and teaching assistants.
Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:
- Design the infrastructure for managing Big Data in your company in a way that the company needs it to make decisions based on that data.
- Be able to work with the company’s software engineers, data analytics teams, data scientists, and data warehouse engineers to aid in the implementation of database requirements, analyze performance, and troubleshoot issues.
Play an analytical role in performing ad-hoc analysis of data stored in the company databases and write SQL scripts, stored procedures, functions, and views.