The field of hydrology is a crucial area of scientific study and employment for people interested in protecting the earth’s water resources, in combating water pollution and in providing engineering hydrology. Hydrologists work in conjunction with the work of civil engineers in developing water resources infrastructure. Hydrology is the scientific study of the effects, properties and distribution of water on the earth’s surface in soil, underlying rock structures and in the earth’s atmosphere. The NJIT Graduate Certificate in Hydrology and Water Resources enables students to transition into this highly important field.
Physical Processes of Environmental Systems - Physical processes in various media (open water, porous media) under various hydraulic regimes (laminar and turbulent). Transport by diffusion, convection, and dispersion is considered along with absorption.
Introduction to Solid and Hazardous Waste Problems - Solid waste disposal; industrial and urban sources of solid waste and conventional methods of waste disposal.
Environmental Microbiology - The microbiology of natural and human impacted environment, fundamental microbiology in water treatment engineering, microbial detection methodologies, waterborne disease outbreaks, microbial risk assessment, biotechnologies for renewable energy, and other emerging topics that help enhance your problem-solving skills and increase your knowledge base.
Water Chemistry - The ability to analyze and solve a wide range of chemical equilibrium problems in water chemistry.
Stormwater Management - Regulatory framework, an overview of structural and non-structural BMPs, groundwater recharge analysis, estimate of runoff, and design of detention basin and drainage systems.
Applied Hydrogeology - Ground water and contaminant movement through the subsurface environment; aquifer geology; hydrogeologic applications including well design, pumping tests, and computer modeling of subsurface flow, and methods to monitor and remediate contaminated groundwater.
Open Channel Flow - The principles developed in fluid mechanics are applied to flow in open channels. Steady and unsteady flow, channel controls, and transitions are considered. Application is made to natural rivers and estuaries.
Hydrology - The statistical nature of precipitation and runoff data is considered with emphasis on floods and droughts. The flow of groundwater is analyzed for various aquifers and conditions. Flood routing, watershed yield, and drainage problems are considered.
Mathematical Fluid Dynamics I - Introduction to the basic ideas of fluid dynamics, with an emphasis on rigorous treatment of fundamentals and the mathematical developments and issues. The course focuses on the background and motivation for recent mathematical and numerical work on the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations, and presents a mathematically intensive investigation of various model equations of fluid dynamics (e.g., the Korteweg-de-Vries equations).
Required Credits
Marhaba, Taha
Distinguished Professor and Chairman, Civil & Environmental Engineering