The Office of Global Initiatives (OGI) assists NJIT departments in facilitating the hiring of international employees in various employment-based visa sponsorships.
Employment Based Visa Sponsorship
OGI works with hosting departments who may wish to invite visiting or guest researchers, lecturers, etc. for a period of stay at NJIT. Those with questions should contact OGI directly ( for more information. For international hires and sponsorships, departments should be aware that completed visa sponsorships for any international employees or scholars must be submitted to OGI for review a minimum of 3 months in advance of the intended start date. Depending on the case details, more time may be required for an individual to obtain the necessary visa type for their employment or stay at NJIT. Additional details on common scholar/employment-based visa types can be found below.
To learn more please find the updated policies on visa sponsorship here.
H-1B Temporary Employment Visa
The H-1B status is reserved for the temporary employment of foreign nationals by a specific employer in a specific job. The job must qualify as a specialty occupation, as defined by the regulations. Federal regulations define "specialty occupation" as: "an occupation that requires (A) theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge, and (B) attainment of a bachelor's or higher degree in the specific specialty (or its equivalent) as a minimum for entry into the occupation in the United States". If your department would like to sponsor a Foreign National for H-1B sponsorship please review the link below:
NJIT will support an application for permanent residence in limited circumstances, and only within certain employment-based classifications as defined by United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). If your department would like to sponsor a Foriegn National for Permanent Residency, please refer to the link below:
"Permanent Residency Sponsorship" Link
Additional Employment Visa Options
Foreign Nationals not eligible for the options above may be eligible for other employment visa options. To learn more, please refer to the link below: