As a nationally and internationally recognized Ph.D. program, NJIT’s Applied Physics Ph.D. program prepares Ph.D. candidates with practical skills and theoretical knowledge for a successful career in academic or government organizations and private industry. Students will prepare for passing their written qualifier exams, as well as gain the theoretical and experimental background needed for their research, which they will orally present and defend as part of their Ph.D. thesis. Throughout their study as a Ph.D. candidate, students will exhibit the following:
Academic Excellence: Students will demonstrate compressive knowledge in their area of concentrations, formulate advanced research questions independently and propose methods of investigation to research currently unsolved problems.
Real-World Research Experience: Students will gain expertise and demonstrate broad knowledge of their field, its tools and techniques, and use this to develop new knowledge using ethical standards of conduct.
Professional Communication and Collaboration: Students will develop top-level communication skills to collaborate and speak effectively about scientific topics, issues and research at national and international meetings.
Upon graduation all Ph.D. students in Applied Physics should be able to meet the following learning outcomes:
Formulate advanced research questions independently and propose methods of investigation, including the design of experiments to investigate currently unsolved problems.
Demonstrate and apply comprehensive knowledge in the area of concentration to identify, find, evaluate, articulate and use scientific information at a high level of proficiency.
Apply quantitative methods to describe and analyze phenomena.
Publish at least one scientific article as the first author in peer-reviewed journals in the area of concentration.
Present at least one professional talk at the National or International Conference in the area of concentration.
Demonstrate broad knowledge of the field, its tools and techniques to develop new knowledge.
Identify, find, evaluate, articulate and use scientific information associated with their field.
Interact with other professional and student researchers in a skilled, cooperative fashion to discuss issues and solve scientific problems at a high level of proficiency.
Conduct research and develop relationships using ethical, professional standards of conduct.
Recognize and discuss the social and ethical implications of the conduct of research and its technological application to human problems.
Demonstrate ethical conduct in performing and reporting on scientific research.
Effectively interpret in writing, scientific information gathered through laboratory and library research.
Speak effectively about scientific topics, issues, and problems in informal and formal contexts at a level expected at national and international meetings.