Each year faculty members are required to submit a report on their scholarly and professional activities for the previous academic year.  In order to ease the task of compiling this annual report, the University has licensed software from Digital Measures called Activity Insight for Faculty.

This system is used by a large number of national universities that all look to collect and report on the teaching, research, and service activities of faculty.  Once data are in the system, reports can be prepared for the Faculty Annual Report as well as reports need for program assessment and accrediting bodies (e.g. ABET, NAACSB, NAAB).  

Faculty are encouraged to enter data continuously throughout the academic year, as they occur, for publications, presentations, awards and honors, sponsored research and other scholarly and professional activities.  This reduces the burden of compiling and entering data for an entire academic year.  Reports can be run at any time covering multiple years of scholarly and professional work. 


Reporting for Annual Scholarly and Professional Activities

First-time users of Activity Insight for Faculty should  first review:

  1. The Faculty/Staff Guide – Activity Insight Overview
  2. The Introduction to Reporting Using Activity Insight
  3. The FAQs on Activity Insight for Faculty
  4. The Activity Resource Center – Knowledgebase access by clicking the question mark (?) at the top right of the screen once you are logged in Digital Measures

Please note that the reporting year for scholarly and professional activities begins on September 1 and runs through August 31 of the following calendar year.


Accessing Activity Insight for Faculty

Tenured and tenure-track faculty, department chairs, academic department administrators, and those designated by department chairs have access to Activity Insight for Faculty

In order to log in to Activity Insight for Faculty, you must provide your University Computing ID (UCID) and UCID password.  These are the same credentials you use for login to Highlander Pipeline.  

Activity Insight Administrators and Proxies for faculty will need special credentials.  Please e-mail facultyreport@njit.edu for further information.


Faculty and Staff:
(Requires UCID and UCID password):

Activity Insight for Faculty

Activity Insight Administrators and Proxies:
(Requires Special Credentials):

Activity Insight Administrator/Proxy

Reference Materials