There are numerous resources available to you at NJIT and beyond to help support you.
NJIT offers a number of resources to support you through concerns related to sexual misconduct and Title IX. Speaking with one of the departments or staff members below does not obligate you to take an action such as a formal investigation. The choice is yours how you wish to proceed.
Title IX Coordinator
Kristie Damell
Central King Building, L71
*Prevention Specialist and Confidential Advocate
Brittany Gaviria
Campus Center, Room 205
NJIT Campus Health and Wellness Services
111 Central Avenue
Newark NJ 07102
*NJIT Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Campbell Hall, Room 205
*confidential resource
We encourage you to speak to your local police department, or speak with NJIT Public Safety.
NJIT Public Safety
Parking Deck, Street Level
Essex County Prosecutor's Office - Restraining Order Process
Family Court Domestic Violence Unit of the Superior Court
Robert N. Wilentz Court Complex
212 Washington Street
Newark, NJ
Phone: 973-621-4700
Between the hours of 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Monday-Friday, an individual can apply for a Temporary Restraining Order in the Family Court Domestic Violence Unit of the Superior Court at the Robert N. Wilentz Court Complex. After 3:00 pm, contact NJIT Public Safety department.
Any person who wishes to report an incident of Prohibited Conduct, whether the incident occurred on or off campus, shall retain the following rights and options:
Go to court to file a domestic violence complaint requesting a restraining order against the Respondent, and/or an order directing the Respondent to leave the household, building, school, college or workplace; maintain a specified distance away; or otherwise prohibit contact. Victims of domestic violence are entitled to respond to any law enforcement agency where they, as the victim, reside, work or attend school, where the incident took place, or where the Respondent resides at any time of day or night. During the hours of 9am and 3pm, victims of domestic violence should respond to their local county courthouse to request a hearing for a temporary restraining order.
Victims of sexual assault are also entitled to apply for a Sexual Assault Restraining Order with the assistance of law enforcement.
Sign a criminal complaint with law enforcement for threats, assault and battery, or other related offenses. Certain offenses that are classified under domestic violence will be charged by the law enforcement agency if there is enough proof to charge and arrest OR if the crime that is committed falls under a mandatory arrest. The burden of charges will not be on the victim in these instances.
As a victim of any offense or crime, victims are entitled to a copy of their rights under the Crime Victims Bill of Rights. These are furnished by the law enforcement agency involved in the initial contact.
Seek medical treatment; the NJIT Department of Public Safety and/or the Title IX Coordinator will arrange transportation to the nearest medical facility.
Request that law enforcement remain at the scene until safety is secured.
Request that law enforcement provide transportation to a safe place, such as a shelter, or a family or friend’s residence.
Receive a copy of the police incident report. Any victim of sexual assault has the right to review the initial investigative report authored by a law enforcement agency prior to it being approved or submitted.
Additional Legal Resources
- Rutgers Law Domestic Violence Clinic
- Essex County Legal Services
- Legal Services of New Jersey (non-essex County Residents)
Complainants and respondents involved in any Title IX-related proceedings are entitled to have an advisor/suoport person present for all meetings and hearings. Advisors can be anyone of your choosing and do not need to be a member of the NJIT community. However, NJIT has a number of advisors who have received foundational training on Title IX and NJIT's resources and resolution options.
- Brittany Costantino, Coordinator, Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life
- Michael Davis, Director, Student Involvement and Leadership
- Dr. Kristen DeGraff, Director, New Student Orientation
- Dr. Grace Gangitano, Executive Director, Office of Student Transition
- Peg Hefferan, Associate Athletic Director, Athletics
- Ashley Hunter, Enrollment Services Manager, Admissions
- Karen Quackenbush, Director, Office of Residence Life
- Aaliyah Rathore, Associate Director of Inclusive Excellence
- Dr. Crystal Smith, Director, Educational Opportunity Program
Local and State Resources
Essex County Rape Care Center
60 South Fullerton Ave, Suite 109
Montclair, NJ 07042
Phone: 973-746-0800 x310/307
A 24-hour, free and confidential Hotline
Crisis services for survivors and their families
Educational programs and training for youth and professionals
Free, unlimited counseling at Family Service League.
Access Family Services
24 Hr. Hotline: 862-444-3126
Essex County Family Justice Center
Phone: 973-230-7229
An organization for South Asian Survivors
24 Hr. Hotline (multilingual): 732-435-1414
The Safe House
Emergency Shelter 24 Hr. Hotline: (973) 759-2154
The Rachel Coalition of Jewish Family Service
Division of Jewish Family Service of MetroWest New Jersey
24 Hr. Hotline: 973-740-1233
Additional Resources:
- National Domestic Violence Hotline (24 hour live response)
- National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN) (24 hour live response)
- One Love Foundation (24 hour live response)
- National Sexual Violence Resource Center
- Stalking Resource Center
- The Anti-Violence Project
- Know Your Nine
- Office of Civil Rights
- The Department of Education, Title IX
Title IX Training Materials
In accordance with the Title IX regulations, NJIT is required to publish all training materials utilized for training administered to NJIT employees with Title IX responsibilities. Please find information below on the content provided to the Title IX team beginning August 2020.
- NJIT Title IX Investigator Training 1.0
- NJIT Title IX Investigator Training 2.0
- NJIT Hearing Administrator Training
- ATIXA Hearing Administrator Training
- Advisor Training
- NASPA Informal Resolution Certificate Training
- ATIXA Reporting Writing
- ATIXA Rationale Writing
- NJIT Title IX Investigator Training Title IX Consult (2022)
- NJIT Title IX Investigator Training Title IX Consult (2023)
- D. Stafford & Associates Combined Sexual Misconduct and DVDVS Investigator Training
- ATIXA Civil Rights Investigator Level Two
- ATIXA Intermediate Interviewing Techniques and Strategies for Higher Education
- ATIXA Higher Education Decision-Maker Training (July 2024)
- ATIXA Higher Education Decision-Maker Training (December 2024)