The Strong Interest Inventory® assessment helps to guide students and alumni in their search for a rich and fulfilling career. The iStrong provides students and alumni with information about their interests, values, skills, career preferences, and work styles. Any NJIT student or alumni can begin the process of taking the iStrong by calling CDS at 973-596-3100 to obtain the NJIT login and password information.
Once you complete the assessment, you must schedule an appointment with a career advisor to access and discuss your results.
An online career development program available to NJIT students and alumni that will assess your personality and help you choose careers that match your natural strengths. Along the way, you will discover a lot more about yourself so you can answer the questions everyone who is searching for a good career must ask:
Who am I . . . really?
Where am I going?
How will I get there?
To begin using the TypeFocus Careers Program, call 973-596-3100 to access the NJIT Site Password. Once you complete the assessment, schedule an appointment with your career advisor to discuss your results.