The following links are a variety of online self-screening programs.
Online Self-Screening Programs
These links are provided as a source of information only and are not intended to substitute for the process of personal counseling. You may find each of the following sites thought provoking, interesting, and hopefully helpful.
Please be advised however, that the NJIT Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (C-CAPS) is not responsible for the content of these sites and can not guarantee the accuracy or quality of the information that they contain. -- Ulifeline is a free, anonymous web site for college students which includes the following services: a program to answer your questions about mental health issues, a self-screening program, a vast mental health resource library, a suicide hotline number for emergencies, links to the NJIT C-CAPS web site and to phone numbers for crisis services in different communities.
Test Your Moods -- 'Am I just going through blue period or is this depression? ''I've always been a worrier, but now I'm on edge all the time." I think my drinking is pretty normal, but why not check it out?' Get feedback on these and other questions about yourself, your moods and your behavior patterns with this private, anonymous screening.
Alcohol e-CHECKUP TO GO--A web based interactive survey that allows university and college age students to enter information about their drinking patterns and receive feedback about their use of alcohol.
Marijuana e-CHECKUP TO GO-- A web based interactive survey that allows university and college age students to enter information about their drinking patterns and receive feedback about their use of marijuana.