Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions for students and parents.
Requests for Excusals, Extensions and Medical Withdrawals
As a student it is your responsibility to discuss with your professors prior to the religious observance about missing class for that purpose. Make it a priority at the beginning of each semester to discuss this request with your professors so that they are aware that it may interfere with your class attendance and can make the necessary arrangements accordingly. Additional information can be found online regarding NJIT's Religious Observance Policy.
Students must provide the Office of the DOS with official and verifiable documentation related to the absences within 14 days and complete the Student Absence Excuse Request Form. Once the absence has been verified, the Office of the DOS will communicate on your behalf to your professor(s). Please note that our office only verifies documentation and it is at the discretion of your professor(s) to provide any accommodation. It is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the professor(s). Visit the Student Excusals website for more information.
Please stop by the Office of the DOS located at 255 Campus Center or email us. It is also very important for you to contact your professor.
If you as the student must withdraw from the university due to medical reasons, please contact our office. Please note that you must provide the necessary and appropriate medical documentation from a licensed psychologist or primary care physician to support your request. If it is prior to the withdrawal deadline as indicated in the academic calendar, you are required to utilize the regular withdrawal process. Medical documentation will still be collected from you. If you as a student is incapacitated or unable to make the request on your own, please contact the Office of the DOS for assistance at 973-596-3466. For details regarding the withdrawal process, visit the Financial Aid website.
Conduct and Complaint Procedures
First, speak with the person, department, or office with which you have the complaint. You may also visit Reporting Options our office oversees to better understand the process for filing complaints as well as the types of complaints.
As a student you will receive a notice of complaint to the NJIT email address listed in the NJIT system (or residence hall) via Maxient instructing you to attend an Administrative Meeting with a DOS representative. It is important that you follow-up with this request by logging in with your UCID to access the letter. Ignoring the situation will not make it go away. In fact, ignoring the request is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and could result in a misconduct penalty or sanction (including block/HOLD on registration and/or suspension).
Issues of academic integrity/misconduct (cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, falsification, etc) are handled through our office. As a student you will receive a notice of complaint to the email address listed in the NJIT system (or residence hall) via Maxient instructing you to attend an Administrative Meeting with a DOS representative. It is important that you follow-up with this request by logging into Maxient with your UCID to access the letter. Please contact us at and/or visit the website for Academic Integrity for more information.
The Office of the DOS is here to help! We can help you navigate through the proper procedures. Please stop by our office at 255CC or send an email to
Emergencies and Concerns
Contact Public Safety at (973) 596-3111 or 911 if you are off-campus.
Call Public Safety at (973) 596-3111 or dial 911. If you are in the residence halls, you should also contact your Resident Assistant or other Residence Life staff.
All NJIT students can access counseling at the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (C-CAPS) located in Campbell Hall first floor. C-CAPS has trained professionals to assist you with your concerns and provides free counseling for students. You can call to make an appointment at 973-596-3414 or visit their website. You can also stop by the Office of the DOS and we can help get you connected to the right resources for you!
The Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (C-CAPS), located on the first floor of Campbell Hall, has trained professionals who can help you with your concerns, and their services are confidential. Please know that you can also connect with a member from the department of Residential Life especially if it is peer related on an area of conflict. You can contact the Counseling Center at (973) 596-3414.
As a student it is understandable that there may be some misunderstandings among students. We highly recommend getting your Resident Assistant (RA) and/or Residence Coordinator involved in your roommate issues. They are trained to assist you in all types of issues concerning Housing. Stop by your residence hall’s front desk and ask for assistance!
The Campus Wide Notification System (CWNS) allows NJIT to communicate important information on an expedited basis with students, faculty, staff and non-NJIT personnel via text message, phone and email. The best way to receive this information as soon as the decision to close the university is made is by being registered with your most updated information (phone numbers and emails) in the NJIT Alert system. For more information contact the IST HelpDesk at 973-596-2900. In case of an emergency call the Department of Public Safety at 973-596-311 or 911 with the NJIT location.
Campus Services and Departments
You can drop or add a course through Banner Self-Registration. Be sure to adhere to the stipulated deadlines which can be found on the Registrar's Website.
You can find out what activities are taking place on campus by visiting Highlander Hub or the Office of Student Life in 485CC or by calling (973) 596-3693.
Contact the Bursar's Office, located at the Student Mall beneath the parking deck, at (973) 596-2877.
Bus and train schedules are available at the Campus Center Information Desk located on the lower level of the Campus Center and online at NJ Transit.
To find out who your advisor is, contact the Advising Success Center located in Kupfrian Hall, room 2nd Floor, Suite 201 Phone: (973) 596-5598. If you are not a first time first year student, please contact your academic department.