NJIT does not tolerate plagiarism in any form or manner.
Using or attempting to use written, oral, or graphic work which was authored or prepared by another and submitting it as one’s own without appropriate citation or credit. Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise
Copying from a source without quotations or appropriate documentation
Copying from any source and altering a word or phrase to avoid exact quotation
Cloning someone else’s ideas without attribution
Having someone else write a paper for you
Utilizing an image for a paper or project without attribution
Plagiarism at NJIT:
NJIT does not tolerate plagiarism in any form or manner. Plagiarism can be copying codes, copying statements, or using someone else’s information as your own. In any shape or form, the NJIT community has a no nonsense view on plagiarism. If you are unsure if you are going to plagiarize or not, contact your professor, go to the writing center, or look online at resources.
Ways to avoid plagiarism
Cite correctly
Use Quotation marks
Use notes
Buy a manual or google one for citing correctly
Give credit when in doubt
Even if you didn’t cite it, add it to your references