Academic and Student Support
During the Summer Academic Enrichment Program, students are required to attend evening study sessions in mathematics, physics, CIS and English.
Summer Program
While the main goal of the Summer Academic Enrichment Program is to prepare students to successfully compete academically with the regularly admitted students, it places extreme demands on the participants and requires them to learn new habits and behavioral academic patterns. The counseling component provides avenues of support and assists students in their academic efforts and transition to college life. The goal of the Freshman Seminar Course is to familiarize students with campus life and establish a student-counselor relationship that provides an extra level of support. Seminar content is geared to the special needs of the group. During the fall and spring semesters, EOP summer participants continue in Freshmen Seminars with EOP counselors and other NJIT administrators. Advisement is integrated with mandatory counseling during the Summer Academic Enrichment Program and during the freshman year.
Counseling Component
Educational Opportunity Program at NJIT counseling component is "intrusive yet compassionate counseling". The EOP program believes that our students are responsible for their personal growth, development, and education. They possess a great capacity to make positive, adaptive changes in their educational development. The role of the office is to serve as a supportive and professional resource to assist students in navigating the complexities of life at the NJIT. EOP at NJIT has five "cohorts" - freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior and graduating senior, each with a professional, full-time assistant/associate director. Students rotate through each director, as per earned credits, and experience varying services, events and SI (supplemental instruction) including peer mentoring and tutoring, as per the cohort's focus and students' needs. The architecture students have their tutoring sessions in the studios. A tutorial supervisor coordinates and oversees all tutorial activities, which are facilitated by the tutors and teaching assistants. EOP facilitates tutorial services for all program students. The tutoring services is mandatory for EOP first year students.Tutoring is offered to EOP students at no additional cost. Its purpose is to complement classroom instruction, not replace it.
FRESHMEN COHORT: The freshman year's focus is college discovery and academic support
Supplemental instruction, mentoring and tutoring - with the added bonus of EOP alumni mentoring, at varying times. Every students is met twice per semester, by the counselor and minimally three per semester by their mentor - who assigns additional tutoring as per necessary.
SOPHOMORE COHORT: The sophomore cohort is characterized Advancing Strategies for Success Beyond the First Year.
Student will participate in three individual meeting with their counselor per semester focused on confirmation of their major. The program focuses on assisting those sophomores who consideration for co-operative education and internships. Students are expected to join their major's student's professional organization.
JUNIOR COHORT: The junior cohort is characterized Reflect, Engage and Interact
Students during this years should focus on co-op, internships, research (national and international) and taking on leadership positions in their major's professional associations and STEM-related organizations (NSBE, SHPE, NOMA, SWE and business majors) and build a professional network with alumni. The summer following their junior year, all students are expected to be in a major-related activity. Many juniors serve as staff in EOP Summer Program, mentors for freshmen and sophomores and role models for the program’s recruitment efforts.
SENIOR/GRADUATING SENIOR COHORT: The senior year is characterized the "Rush Year''.
Most of the students in this cohort s, are interning, taking more than the 15-16 credits recommend per semester in order to get out sooner. They are on track to graduate that year - if they don't add an additional minor, expand a concentration or decide to double-major. Build up a solid resume, cover letter and references. Networking as much as possible with alumni and industry professionals. Visit with career center. Many seniors serve as staff in EOP Summer Program, mentors for freshmen and sophomores- and role models for the program's recruitment efforts.
EOP Umbrella Programs
EOP at New Jersey Institute of Technology partners with engineering alliances to implement programs that are designed to increase the number and performance of historically under-represented students as it relates to cumulative GPA, time to degree and successful completion of a Bachelor of Science degree in STEM. The programs below are under the umbrella of the Educational Opportunity Program.
NJIT/Newark Math Success Initiative (MSI)
The NJIT/Newark Math Success Initiative (MSI) is part of an initiative to increase the enrollment of Newark high school graduates at NJIT by forming a partnership among NJIT, the Office of the Mayor and Newark Board of Education (NBOE) to provide direct mathematics instruction and support to rising 12th graders. EOP works closely with NJIT’s Center for Pre-College Programs (CPCP) and College of Science and Liberal Arts (CSLA) to transition students into EOP.
Give Something Back (Give Back)
Give Back provides college scholarships and mentoring to students who have faced economic hardship and other adversities such as foster care or the incarceration of a parent. Give Back scholars are academically motivated and resilient. Most are first generation college students who come from families below the poverty line. Give Back’s unique financial model is based on the partnerships and generosity of our college partners. Scholars are chosen by the Give Something Back program.