Approved Motions
- Resolution to modify the length of terms for department chairs appointed under the alternative procedure
- Motion to change Faculty Handbook timeline for promotion March 26, 2024
- CGE Motions November 8, 2022
- Teaching Academic Ranks October 11, 2022
- MS in AI October 11, 2022
- New Travel Policy September 13, 2022
- PhD in Data Science September 13, 2022
- Motion to approve proposed bylaw change to Faculty Senate Leadership May 10, 2022
- Motion to approve proposed change to Default Department Bylaws regarding voting membership May 10, 2022
- CGE motions to introduce or change the following graduate programs May 10, 2022
- CUE motions to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs May 10, 2022
- Motion to approve Resolution on Ukraine May 10, 2022
- Motion to approve changes to the University Senate Constitution April 19, 2022
- Motion to approve the TLT Committee’s new guidelines for hybrid course delivery April 19, 2022
- Motion to approve Proposed Handbook Change Regarding The Faculty and Instructional Staff April 19, 2022
- Motion to approve Proposed Handbook Change Regarding Promotion and Tenure Processes April 19, 2022
- CGE motions to introduce or change the following graduate programs April 19, 2022
- CUE motions to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs April 5, 2022
- CUE motions to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs February 22, 2022
- Motion to approve a special meeting for Informatics Faculty February 22, 2022
- CGE motions to introduce or change the following graduate programs February 8, 2022
- Motion to approve more faculty representation on Interim Provost Committee January 25, 2022
- CUE motions to introudce or change the following undergraduate programs December 14, 2021
- CGE motions to introduce or change the following graduate programs December 14, 2021
- Motion to approve the disapproval of the Tatweer-Misra agreement in its current form December 10, 2021
- CUE motions to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs November 23, 2021
- CGE motions to introduce or change the following graduate programs November 23, 2021
- Motion to approve Correspondence to BOT Chair regarding the Process of Identifying Additional Finalist for Presidential Search November 23, 2021
- Motion to approve PhD in Data Science Program November 23, 2021
- Motion to approve MS in Artificial Intelligence program November 23, 2021
- Motion to approve sending updated Egypt Report with additional topics to the Board of Trustees November 9, 2021
- Motion to approve the use of Election Buddy November 9, 2021
- CGE motions to introduce or change the following graduate programs October 26, 2021
- CUE motions to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs October 26, 2021
- Motion to approve Faculty Handbook Language (Section 4.4.4)-Distinguished Professors’ Subcommittee October 20, 2021
- CUE motions to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs October 12, 2021
- Motion to approve FS Executive Committee to send revised lettter about Presidential Search to BOT October 12, 2021
- Motion to approve Egypt Campus language on diplomas September 28, 2021
- Motion to approve Distinguished Professors Committee Recommendations September 28, 2021
- Motion to approve editorial change to Faculty Search & Selection Guidelines flow chart September 28, 2021
- CGE motions to introduce or change the following graduate programs September 14, 2021
- CUE motions to introduce or change the following undergraudate programs May 11, 2021
- Motion to approve CFRR motions May 11, 2021
- CGE motions to introduce or change the following graduate programs May 11, 2021
- Motion to approve MS in Biology & Health May 11, 2021
- Motion to approve Department name change for Humanitites May 11, 2021
- Motion to approve formation of ad hoc committee to review Tatweer/Egypt May 11, 2021
- CUE motions to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs April 6, 2021
- Motion to approve TLT Recording Classes Policy Proposal April 6, 2021
- Motion to approve proposal for BS in Materials Egineering program in NCE April 6, 2021
- Motion to approve new Department of Data Science in YWCC March 31, 2021
- Motion to approve Policy Update for Students Pursuing Two Degrees March 23, 2021
- Motion on Elected Administrators (Chairs) March 23, 2021
- Motion to approve new MFA and MS in Digital Design programs in HCAD March 23, 2021
- CGE motions to introduce or change the following graduate programs March 23, 2021
- CUE motions to introduce or chagne the follow undergraduate programs March 9, 2021
- Graduate Course Repition March 9, 2021
- CGE motions to introduce or change the following graduate programs February 23, 2021
- CUE motions to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs February 23, 2021
- Motion to approve proposal for Data Science Department in YWCC February 23, 2021
- Motion to endorese recommendations for Covid-19 Impact Research February 23, 2021
- Motion to approve proposal for revising the role of Deans in the hiring process February 9, 2021
- Motion to support proposal for new department of Data Science in YWCC Janaury 26, 2021
- Motion to approve proposal for new BS in Data Science January 26, 2021
- Motion to approve proprosal for optional recording of Fall'20 course evaluations December 15, 2020
- Motion to approve integrity survey proposal December 15, 2020
- CGE motions to introduce or change the following gradaute programs December 15, 2020
- CUE motions to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs December 15, 2020
- CGE motion to introduce or change the following graduate programs November 24, 2020
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs November 24, 2020
- Motion to approve new MS in Biology of Health program November 24, 2020
- Motion to approve proposed cosmetic changes in University Senate Constitution October 27, 2020
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs October 27, 2020
- Motion to approve new BS in Data Science Program October 27, 2020
- Motion to approve changes to the Faculty Search & Selection Guidelines October 27, 2020
- Motion to approve proposed pandemic impact on research survey October 13, 2020
- CGE motion to introduce or change the follow graduate program October 13, 2020
- Motion to approve Motion 13 from September 15 meeting September 29, 2020
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs September 29, 2020
- CGE motion to introduce or change the following graduate programs September 29, 2020
- Motion to approve proposed converged learning survey September 29, 2020
- Motion to approve Motion 12 from August 25 meeting September 15, 2020
- Motion to approve new BS in Financial Technology program September 15, 2020
- Motions concerning Covid-19 and Faculty August 25, 2020
- CGE motion to introduce or change the following graduate programs May 19, 2020
- Motion to update additional title changes passed December 12 th May 19, 2020
- Motion to update wording on section of the Faculty Handbook and additonal title changes passed December 12th May 19, 2020
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs May 5, 2020
- CFRR motion - The Role of Faculty in Selecting and Evaluating Administrators May 5, 2020
- Motion to approve new BS in Financial Technology program May 5, 2020
- Motion to change constitutional makeup of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee April 29, 2020
- CGE motion to introduce or change the following graduate programs April 21, 2020
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs April 21, 2020
- Motion to approve new BS in Materials Engineering April 7, 2020
- Motions concerning tenure, student evaluations, add period, and Department Chair terms April 7, 2020
- CGE motion: MS in Pharmaceutical Eingeering April 7, 2020
- Motion on Covid-19 Response Update March 24, 2020
- Motion to approve new BS in Cyberpsychology program March 10, 2020
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs March 10, 2020
- CGE motion: MS in Bioinformatics March 10, 2020
- CGE motion on Master's Thesis February 25, 2020
- Motion on Changing the Constitution - Executive Committee Formation February 25, 2020
- CGE motion to introduce or change the following graduate programs January 28, 2020
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs January 28, 2020
- Motion to approve new BS in Cyberpsychology program January 28, 2020
- CFRR motion to update Faculty role in Search Committee for Administrators November 14, 2019
- Motion to update the selection Process for Distinguished Professors as suggested by the CFRR and amended by the Faculty Senate October 31, 2019
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs May 9, 2019
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs May 2, 2019
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs April 18, 2019
- CGE motions for the following program changes in PhD in Mathematical Sciences, MA in History, Cyber Defense PSM option in the MS in Cyber Security and Privacy; New RCR (Responsible Conduct of Research) course for all graduate programs April 18, 2019
- CFRR motion on the evaluation of upper administrators March 28, 2019
- CFRR motion on the selection of Distinguished Professors March 28, 2019
- CGE motion to change the following programs in CE, ENE, and TE PhD programs March 28, 2019
- TLT motion to adopt Canvas March 14, 2019
- Motion for Faculty Senate's support to renew Pluralsight February 28, 2019
- CGE motion to introduce or change the following graduate programs February 28, 2019
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs February 28, 2019
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs (from February meeting) February 14, 2019
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs (from January meeting) February 14, 2019
- FS motion to support Student Senate resolution RE: add/drop date November 29, 2018
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs November 15, 2018
- CGE motion to introduce or change the following graduate programs November 15, 2018
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs October 25, 2018
- CGE motion to approve changes and course updates October 25, 2018
- TLT motion to approve exam delivery modes October 25, 2018
- CGE motion to approve changes to the MS in Chemical Engineering, MS in Pharmaceutical Engineering, MS in Management May 3, 2018
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs May 3, 2018
- CUE motion to introduce or change the following undergraduate programs April, 19, 2018
- Motion to Approve Faculty Handbook Revisions of Distinguished Professor Selection April 5, 2018
- CUE motion for new courses and course updates approved in March 2018 April 5, 2018
- CUE motion to introduce or change the attached undergraduate programs March 29, 2018
- Motion to approve new BS Forensic Science Program March 22, 2018
- Motion to approve changes in the Statistics track of the MS in Data Science March 22, 2018
- Motion to approve Ph.D degree requirements for students without the QE result March 22, 2018
- Motion to approve Full Time certification of students registered in MS Thesis March 22, 2018
- CUE motion to introduce or change the attached undergraduate programs February 15, 2018
- CGE motion to update Bridge Courses for all MS programs in CS and update full time status of PhD students regarding 700-level course accessibility February 15, 2018
- CUE motion to introduce or change the attached undergraduate programs January 18, 2018
- Motion to change and update Faculty Handbook Section 4.3.2 on "Eligibility for Tenure" January 18, 2018
- Motion to change Bylaws V.B.2 "Quorum at Faculty Meetings" November 30, 2017
- CTLT Motion to approve revised 5 modes of Instructional Delivery November 16, 2017
- Motion to approve program changes for Ph.D in Biology November 16, 2017
- Motion to approve program changes for Professional Management Option in MS.IS November 16, 2017
- Motion to approve program changes for MS in Information Systems November 16, 2017
- Motion to approve program changes for MS in Business and Information Systems November 16, 2017
- Motion to approve new Faculty Handbook section for Joint Appointmnet at Hiring October 12, 2017
- Motion to endorse revised J! Exchange Visitor English Proficiency Verification Requirement Policy October 12, 2017
- Motion to approve CUE and CGE definition of Course Credit by Hours October 12, 2017
- Motion to approve program changes for PhD in Information Systems September 28, 2017
- Motion to approve program changes for Cyber Defense Professional Science Master Option of the Master of Science in Cyber Security and Privacy (MS CSP) September 28, 2017
- Motion to approve program changes for MS in Applied Science September 28, 2017
- Motion to approve CUE resolution on Add/Drop date September 28, 2017
- Motion to approve CUE resolution on Class Schedule September 28, 2017
- Motion to adopt a joint chair structure for the CUE and CGE September 14, 2017
- Motion to amend policy for Hiring and Promotion of Lecturers September 14, 2017
Revise Faculty Handbook 4.3.3: TPP and ASMD April 6, 2017
Motion to revise General Education Requirements at NJIT March 23, 2017
- Motion from CGE regarding Changes to Streamline Ph.D. Program in Information Systems November 22, 2016
- Motion from CGE regarding Professional Science Master's option in the MS program in Cyber Security & Privacy November 22, 2016
- Motion from CUE regarding changes to Contact Hours for ARCH 547, Topics in Computer Applications, and changes in Curriculum for BS in CBPE November 22, 2016
- Modify the NJIT Faculty Handbook by adding a reference to the Faculty Search and Selection Guidelines October 19, 2016
- Motion to Prioritize Implementation of Student Pictures in rosters October 13, 2016
- Motion from CUE: Changes to BS in Engineering Science September 29, 2016
- Motion from CUE: Changes to MS in Business and Information Systems September 29, 2016
- Motion for Proposed Language for Faculty Handbook regarding FSSG September 29, 2016
- Motion to approve MS program in Data Science September 15, 2016
- Motion to define "Underrepresented Minorities" in Appendices of FSSG September 15, 2016
- Motion to FSSG to update phrase "Creative Academic" September 15, 2016
- Miscellaneous final AY2015-2016 revisions to the Faculty Handbook April 6, 2016
- Part 7 of the Faculty Handbook on Selecting and Evaluating Administers February 24, 2016
- Revision of Sect. 3.3 of the Faculty Handbook on Dept. Chair Selection February 24, 2016
- Proposed Miscellaneous Changes to the Faculty Handbook December 2, 2015
- Proposed Addendum to Part 4 of the Streamlined Faculty Handbook December 2, 2015
- Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the streamlined Faculty Handbook December 2, 2015
- Part 5 of the streamlined Faculty Handbook - Teaching, as amended and approved by the Faculty October 14, 2015
- Part 6 of the streamlined Faculty Handbook - Faculty Development, as approved by the Faculty October 14, 2015
- Three Changes to P&T in the Faculty Handbook, as approved by the Faculty October 14, 2015
- Faculty Senate Motion regarding NJII and Promotion & Tenure Considerations February 12, 2015
- Faculty Senate Motion regarding NJII and Intellectual Contributions February 12, 2015
- Faculty Senate Motion on Professor of Practice February 12, 2015
- Faculty Senate Motion Regarding the 2020 Vision Plan December 11, 2014
- Grade Appeal Policy 2014
- Faculty Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities Under Shared University Governance February 6, 2014
- Policy on Shared Governance Revised September 30, 2014; Approved February 6, 2014
- Adoption of the eXplorance Course Evaluation System September 8, 2014
- Report on Non-tenure Track Instruction September 17, 2014 - The Faculty Senate
- Faculty Senate Position Paper for Future Academic Hiring September 17, 2014