Interfraternity Council
Fraternities governed by the Interfraternity Council
Interfraternity Council
Chapter Name: Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity
Chapter Designation: Alpha Rho
Chapter Founding: January 31st 1921
National Founding: December 6th 1845
Colors: Cardinal and Stone
Symbols: Phoenix
Philanthropies: Aware Awake Alive, Homes For Troops, Rape Abuse Incest National Network, Humane Society, Big Brothers Big Sisters
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/alpha_sig
Contact Email: Alphasig@alphasignjit.org
NJIT Signature Programs: RAINN week
The Alpha Rho Chapter of Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity at NJIT has a history of accepting good men into our fold and refining them into better men, exemplified by the stunning successes accomplished by our chapter throughout our history. In just the past 5 years we have been recognized nationally and locally as an exemplary chapter with highly successful individuals, living up to our mission statement: "To Better The Man". Alpha Sigma Phi is a Fraternity dedicated to serving our philanthropies and reinforcing the qualities of men: Silence, Charity, Purity, Honor, and Patriotism. We are a tight knit brotherhood seeking to better ourselves in leadership, community involvement, and social excellence. Despite our busy lives, we always make time to have fun, strengthen our bonds, and develop a deep sense of brotherhood and belonging as we actively try to set an example of what it means to be an Alpha Sig.
Chapter Name: Kappa Sigma
Chapter Designation: NJIT Colony
National Founding: December 10, 1869
Colors: Scarlet, White, Emerald Green
Symbols: Star and Crescent
Philanthropies: A Greater Cause – the Fraternity’s bold initiative to promote volunteerism, citizenship, and service to the community
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/kappasigma
Contact Email: kappasigmanjit@gmail.com
Kappa Sigma is the largest college social fraternity in the world with more than 200,000 living members, including over 17,000 undergraduates and more than 300 chapters and colonies located throughout the United States and Canada. Founded in 1869 at the University of Virginia, Kappa Sigma International Headquarters is based in Charlottesville, Virginia. Kappa Sigma is focused upon the Four Pillars of Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service. As a values-based men’s fraternity, Kappa Sigma strictly forbids hazing and fosters meaningful college experiences by offering progressive membership development and pledge education. Kappa Sigma is a brotherhood based on rich history, academic zeal, and long-lasting friendships. We pride ourselves on building strong brothers: strong in character, strong in wisdom, and strong in life. The bonds we form and the experiences we share enrich our lives. As a long-ago Kappa Sigma once said, “Not a day, or an hour, or a college term only, but for life.” Kappa Sigma is for life.
Chapter Name: Phi Delta Theta
Chapter Designation: New Jersey Zeta
National Founding: 1848
Colors: Azure and Argent
Symbols: Sword and Shield
Philanthropies: Live like Lou Foundation for ALS
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/phideltatheta
Contact Email: cr42@njit.edu
Greek Life organization cultivating friendship amongst its members, the highest degree of mental culture, and the attainment of a high standard of morality.
Chapter Name: Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity
Chapter Designation: Alpha Octaton
Chapter Founding: March 3rd, 2012
National Founding: March 15th, 1873
Colors: Red and Silver
Philanthropy: Special Olympics
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/phisigmakappa
Contact Email: phisignjit@gmail.com
NJIT Signature Programs: 24-Hour Trampoline Marathon, P5K for Special Olympics
Phi Sigma Kappa is a lifelong brotherhood dedicated to the betterment of the individual, the university community, and our world, by giving its members opportunities to develop leadership skills, participate in service to others, achieve academic excellence, experience cultural diversity and practice personal integrity.
Chapter Name: Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity
Chapter Designation: Beta Alpha
Chapter Founding: May 29th, 1948
National Founding: December 10th, 1904
Colors: White, Gold, and Royal Blue
Symbols: Starshield, Bell, Star & Lamp
Philanthropy: The Ability Experience
Contact Email: betaalphaca@gmail.com
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/pikappaphi
NJIT Signature Programs: The 48 Hour Bike-a-thon
The Beta Alpha Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi is one of the nation's most renowned chapters for excellence in leadership, philanthropy, and alumni involvement. Since May 1948, we have made great strides and accomplishments here at NJIT and will continue to do so for our future generations of leaders.
"Nothing shall ever tear us asunder"
Chapter Name: Psi Upsilon Fraternity
Chapter Designation: Alpha Omicron
Chapter Founding: October 16th, 1999
National Founding: November 24th, 1833
Colors: Garnet and Gold
Symbol: Diamond
Philanthropy: AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention)
Contact Email: undergrads.psiu.ao@gmail.com
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/psiupsilon
Website: www.PsiUpsilonAO.org
Our fraternity is a select group sharing similar ideals, hopes, and purposes, bonded together by deep friendship and mutual understanding. Such a bond provides the foundation which enables the college student to become a poised and self-confident adult equipped with a keener mind, a greater appreciation, and broader sympathies. This bond is further fortified by a group of true and understanding friends who will stand by him throughout life. The outward manifestation of the philosophical underpinnings of Psi Upsilon are the ways in which we treat ourselves, each other, and those around us.
Chapter Name: Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Chapter Designation: Iota Tau
Chapter Founding: November 1, 2013
National Founding: March 9, 1856
Colors: Old Gold and Royal Purple
Symbols: Coat-of-Arms, Flag, badge, Lion, Patron Goddess Minerva, Phoenix
Philanthropy: National- Children's Miracle Network
Local- Newark Public School System
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/sae
Chapter Website: saenjit.com
Sigma Alpha Epsilon strives to give young men the leadership, scholarship, service and social experiences they need to excel in the walls outside their campus and once they graduate. We firmly believe membership is for life. In addition, we strive to mold our members into gentlemen so they can set an example in today's society.
Chapter Name: Sigma Pi Fraternity
Chapter Designation: Alpha Mu
Chapter Founding: November 26th, 1938
National Founding: February 26th, 1897
Colors: Lavender and White with Gold as an auxiliary
Symbols: The Owl
Philanthropy: Donate Life
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/sigmapi
NJIT Signature Programs: ACE Week Project
Our fraternity is built upon our creed with our purpose being to advance truth and justice, to promote scholarship, to encourage chivalry, to diffuse culture and to develop character. We live our ideals in our daily lives and strive to improve the campus experience for all of our brothers, and everyone who comes into contact with us.
Chapter Name: Tau Delta Phi Fraternity
Chapter Designation: Tau Epsilon
Chapter Founding: June 1st, 1947
National Founding: June 22nd, 1910
Colors: Blue and White
Symbols: White Chrysanthemum and Pyramid
Philanthropy: Active Minds, Inc.
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/tau-delt
Tau Delta Phi Fraternity is a “Fraternity of Firsts.” Throughout our history within the national fraternity movement, we have had a purpose more dynamic than most, and a direction that has always been exceptional. Tau Delta Phi Fraternity works daily to realize its vision "to develop a brotherhood of exemplary leaders whose character and reputation earn respect and uncommon admiration". We are proud of the philanthropy work of our chapters, who work in partnership with Active Minds, Inc. to address college student mental health needs on our host campuses.
Chapter Name: Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
Chapter Designation: Kappa Eta
Chapter Founding: May 29th, 1965
National Founding: January 10th, 1899
Colors: Cherry Red, Battleship Grey
Symbols: Equilateral Triangle, Horseshoe, Greek God Apollo, Red Carnation
Philanthropy: St. Judes Children's Hospital
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/tke
NJIT Signature Programs: TKE Homeless
The Kappa Eta Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon at NJIT provides the college man with more than a social outlet. TKE promotes scholarship, leadership, character, teamwork, service, athletics, and brotherhood.
Chapter Name: Theta Chi Fraternity
Chapter Designation: Epsilon Psi
Chapter Founding: October 31, 1962
National Founding: April 10th, 1856
Colors: Military Red and White
Symbols: Rattlesnake
Philanthropy: USO
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/thetachi
Theta Chi is one of the oldest men’s college fraternities in North America. Founded in 1856, more than 180,000 members have enjoyed the Fraternity’s traditions, ideals, and fellowship.
Founded on the principle of friendship through the mutual assistance of every member, Theta Chi aims to provide its members with an enjoyable and fulfilling collegiate experience that also prepares them for rewarding, successful lives after graduation.
The Epsilon Psi Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity strives to be the exemplary model to break the negative stigmas surrounding fraternities and help build our community for the better.