Multicultural Greek Council
This council hosts 11 chapters that are culturally based and belong to a variety of National Councils. They are listed below by their National Council Affiliation.
National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
Chapter Organization Name: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Chapter Designation: Gamma Zeta
Chapter Founding: November 1947
National Founding: January 15, 1908
Colors: Salmon Pink and Apple Green
Symbols: Ivy Leaf
Philanthropy: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® is dedicated to implementing programs of service that enhance the social, economic, and educational well-being of the local, national and international communities. The program theme for 2018-2022 is Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service. The International Program includes five program targets that are designed to advance the mission of Alpha Kappa Alpha with excellence and underscore our commitment to sustainable service.
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/aka
Website: aka1908.com
Contact Email: gammazeta.aka@gmail.com
The first historically Black Greek Letter Organization for women is Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., which was founded on the campus of Howard University in Washington, DC on January 15, 1908. Our Motto is By Culture and by Merit. The Purpose of Alpha Kappa Alpha is to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote unity and friendship among college women, to study and help alleviate problems concerning girls and women in order to improve their social stature, to maintain a progressive interest in college life and to be of service to all mankind. Salmon Pink and Apple Green are the official colors of Alpha Kappa Alpha. Alpha Kappa Alpha is one of nine Black Greek Letter Organizations in the National Pan Hellenic Council, whose organizations are affectionately called the "Divine Nine."
The Gamma Zeta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha was chartered in November 1947 as a New Jersey City-wide chapter, but currently encompasses just the campuses of Rutgers University-Newark, and New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Chapter Organization Name: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Chapter Designation: Delta Zeta
Chapter Founding: May 26, 1950
National Founding: January 13, 1913
Colors: Crimson and Cream
Symbols: Lady Fortitude and Delta Torch
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/deltasigmatheta
Website: https://www.deltasigmatheta.org
Chapter Name: Iota Phi Theta
Chapter Designation: Epsilon Tau
Chapter Founding: October 22, 1997
National Founding: September 19, 1963
Colors: Charcoal Brown & Gilded Gold
Symbols: Centaur
Philanthropy: I-Shield
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/iotaphitheta
Website: https://www.iotaphitheta.org
Contact Email: epsilontau@iotaphitheta.org
Chapter Name: Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc.
Chapter Designation: Xi Theta
Chapter Founding: July 27th, 1982
National Founding: January 9th, 1914
Colors: Royal Blue and Pure White
Symbols: White Dove and Wolf
Philanthropy: Sickle Cell Awareness Donators
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/phibetasigma
Website: phibetasigma1914.org
Contact Email: xitheta1914@pbseast.org
NJIT Signature Programs: Crabfest, Sleepout for the Homeless
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity was founded at Howard University in Washington, D.C., January 9, 1914, by three young African-American male students. The Founders, Honorable A. Langston Taylor, Honorable Leonard F. Morse, and Honorable Charles I. Brown, wanted to organize a Greek letter fraternity that would truly exemplify the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service.
Chapter Name: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Chapter Designation: Psi Lambda
Chapter Founding: January 25, 1983
National Founding: January 16, 1920
Colors: Royal Blue & White
Symbols: Dove
Philanthropy: Z-HOPE
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/zetaphibeta
Website: https://zphib1920.org/
Contact Email: psilambda@gmail.com
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority was founded on the simple belief that sorority elitism and socializing should not overshadow the real mission for progressive organizations - to address societal mores, ills, prejudices, poverty, and health concerns of the day. Founded January 16, 1920, Zeta began as an idea conceived by five coeds at Howard University in Washington D.C.: Arizona Cleaver, Myrtle Tyler, Viola Tyler, Fannie Pettie and Pearl Neal. These five women, also known as our Five Pearls, dared to depart from the traditional coalitions for black women and sought to establish a new organization predicated on the precepts of Scholarship, Service, Sisterly Love and Finer Womanhood. It was the ideal of the Founders that the Sorority would reach college women in all parts of the country who were sorority minded and desired to follow the founding principles of the organization. Founder Viola Tyler was oft quoted to say "[In the ideal collegiate situation] there is a Zeta in a girl regardless of race, creed, or color, who has high standards and principles, a good scholarly average and an active interest in all things that she undertakes to accomplish."
The Psi Lambda chapter consists of two schools; Rutgers University - Newark and New Jersey Institute of Technology. Chartered in 1983, the Oh Sooooo Sophisticated Ladies of Psi Lambda constantly strive to uphold the principles of Zeta and make a difference in their community.
National APIDA Panhellenic Association (NAPA)
Chapter Name: Delta Epsilon Psi Fraternity Inc.
Chapter Designation: Tau Chapter
Chapter Founding: April 25th, 2009
National Founding: October 1st, 1998
Colors: Navy Blue and Silver
Symbols: Asiatic Lion
Philanthropy: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/depsi
Website: http://depsitau.org/
Delta Epsilon Psi Fraternity, Inc. was founded on October 1, 1998 at the University of Texas at Austin and is a South Asian interest social and service fraternity. The 18 founders formed the fraternity to provide a unified South Asian voice at the school. Since then, Delta Epsilon Psi has grown to be the largest South Asian interest fraternity in the nation.
The purpose of Delta Epsilon Psi is to develop leadership qualities within its members by instilling within them the 3 pillars (Brotherhood, Discipline, and Commitment) upon which the fraternity was founded.
National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations (NALFO)
Chapter Name: Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity Inc.
Chapter Designation: Pioneros Chapter
Chapter Founding: December 13th, 1986
National Founding: April 5th, 1979
Colors: Baby Blue and White
Symbols: Taino Indian
Philanthropy: HIV/AIDS Awareness
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/lambdasigmaupsilon
Website: www.lsu79.org
Contact Email: jad47@njit.edu
NJIT Signature Programs: Hype Program, Salsa Night with Delta Phi Epsilon
We, the brothers of Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity, Inc., strongly believe that many individual and collective successes can be achieved through the efforts of a culturally diverse brotherhood of college and university men who, through close association with each other, maintain honesty, commitment, respect, and trust. The maintenance of these qualities is nurtured in large part through the diversity of culture and through self-awareness and self-respect. Among the results of actions taken in these states of being are the promotion of friendship and Brotherhood, the development of individual character, the advancement of justice and opportunity, and the acquisition of soundness and excellence in education.
Chapter Name: Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.
Chapter Designation: Eta Chapter
Chapter Founding Date: February 28, 1987
National Founding Date: December 1, 1975
Colors: Brown & White
Symbols: Conquistador
Philanthropy: Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI)
Contact Email: lambdas87@gmail.com
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/lambdas
Website: http://www.lambda1975.org/
On December 1, 1975, history was made – history on a college campus, which would transcend other colleges/universities throughout the United States; history which would have a positive impact on the Latino community and our nation; history which would forever change the Greek system, more specifically, the entity known as a fraternity. On December 1, 1975, Lambda Theta Phi was founded on the campus of Kean College in Union, New Jersey.
In 1975, there were no Latino fraternities in existence in the United States. The Greek-letter organizations of the time primarily catered to Anglo and African-American students and graduates. Lambda’s founders, as men of vision, realized there was a need to unite the Latino students, develop their leadership skills, impart upon them the value of an education, and instill in them a commitment to their community and culture. The traditional student club would not suffice to accomplish such lofty goals. Hence, Latino unity and brotherhood would be achieved through a long recognized institution – the fraternity. This newest addition to the Greek system would be the first in the nation, by identity and by name: Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Incorporated.
The ideals of this brotherhood are the following: Academic Excellence; Brotherhood; Leadership; Latino Unity; Service. On a daily basis, our brothers live up to these ideals, as set forth by fourteen young Latino men decades ago.
At the undergraduate level, our brothers are active within the Fraternity and in other student organizations. Our brothers perform community service, promote our culture by sponsoring events which highlight and celebrate our heritage, participate in educational workshops, and enjoy many social programs. As a result of their active participation in every aspect of college life, our undergraduates are developing their organizational, communication, and leadership skills, all while pursuing the coveted diploma. Our younger Lambdas are receiving the training and competence to serve as the future leaders of our brotherhood, community, and nation.
At the professional level, among our ranks you will find attorneys, doctors, and engineers. Our brothers are shaping young minds as educators and as dedicated fathers. The men in brown and white are defending this country at home and abroad in the area of law enforcement and in the armed forces. We are strengthening our country’s economy as entrepreneurs. Our brothers are teaching leadership as coaches, mentors, and community activists. The Lambdas are affecting policy and change as elected officials serving on City Councils, Boards of Education, U.S. House of Representatives, and U.S. Senate. In short, Lambdas are contributing and excelling in every facet of human endeavor.
Since our founding, Lambda Theta Phi has established chapters in every region of the country at both the undergraduate and professional levels. Our brotherhood continues to provide the necessary skills and resources for the advancement and empowerment of our people and for the betterment of this nation.
Our illustrious history is not only our past but our guiding light to the future. As the first, we overcame many obstacles. Not having much guidance in our formative stages, we persevered and became stronger. Lambda is the product of vision, strength, and unity. Our history serves as a legacy and testament to our accomplishments and greatness.
Lambda Theta Phi … Academic Excellence – Brotherhood – Leadership – Latino Unity -Service.
Chapter Name: La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.
Chapter Designation: Beta Rho
Chapter Founding Date: November 16th 2013
National Founding Date: February 19th 1982
Colors: Brown and Gold
Philanthropy: P.A.T.H.E: Providing Access to Higher Education
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/lul
Contact Email: TauBetaRho@LaUnidadLatina.org
Website: launidadlatina.org
NJIT Signature Programs: Brown & Gold Christmas Toy Drive, Roast My Resume Workshop, Triple Threat Latin Dance Night: Bachata, Salsa, & Merengue, Comidas Del Mundo: Latin Bodega, Minorities in Their Fields Panel
La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated was founded on February 19th, 1982 at the prestigious Cornell University by 13 Hermanos (Brothers). Our Hermandad (Brotherhood) takes a role in meeting the needs of the Latino and minority community through our 4 pillars: Cultural Expression, Community Service, Brotherhood, and most importantly, Academic Achievement.
La Unidad Latina maintains a firm commitment to empower and enrich every community wherein one finds the plight of the minority. To this end, our Fraternidad (Fraternity) addresses key areas of concern to Latino and minority communities as a whole. Our main philanthropy is Providing Access to Higher Education (P.A.T.H.E.), where we not only focus on increasing the number of minorities reaching higher education but also ensuring we have the resources to succeed here as well.
We, the Hermanos of La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated, are looking for individuals with vision. Following our foundation, we sought to affiliate ourselves with men who exemplify determination, pride, merit, creativity, focus, and commitment to accomplish the goals we had set for ourselves. If this is not you, we pride ourselves in uplifting those looking to instill these characteristics amongst themselves through accountability and continuous support through our vast network nationwide. The passion of our Hermandad helps to bring the many historical accomplishments of marginalized groups to this nation’s forefront and provides the tools necessary to excel in higher education.
Last but not least, our organization is of course Latin-based, but certainly NOT Latin-exclusive.
National Multicultural Greek Council (NMGC)
Chapter Name: Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc.
Chapter Designation: Trilogy Gamma
Chapter Founding: April 2, 1989
National Founding: October 9, 1988
Colors: Royal Blue and Light Grey
Symbols: Blue Orchid and The Enchanting Mermaid
Philanthropy: The Welfare of Children
Highlander Hub Page: https://njit.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/lto
Website: http://lambdatauomega.org/entities/gamma-chapter.html
Contact Email: trilogy.gamma@lambdatauomega.org
NJIT Signature Programs: El Grito De Poetas with the brothers of Lambda Theta Phi, Annual Brain Health Awareness Dinner, Annual March of Dimes Step & Stroll Exhibition
Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. (ΛΤΩ) is a non-profit, Greek-letter organization that was founded on October 9th, 1988 at Montclair State University. The Sorority was founded on the principles of womyn empowerment, multiculturalism, and commitment to service with a particular focus on the welfare of children. Today, Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. thrives in exemplifying those ideals, and furthermore, in exemplifying the Sorority's motto: “Excellence through Unity, Knowledge and Dedication."
In Spring 1989, three determined womyn, Serafina Agnello, Renee P. Hobson and Iris V. Cruz, decided to go on the journey in search of a promising sisterhood. They knew of the need for such organization on the NJIT campus, where womyn were scarce in population. Inclusively, at the time, there was not a sorority on campus they felt catered to the needs of womyn from diverse backgrounds. On April 2, 1989, these three womyn established Trilogy Gamma Chapter at New Jersey Institute of Technology.