Community Engagement is a strategic process with the specific purpose of working with identified groups of people, whether they are connected by geographic location, special interest, or affiliation to address issues affecting their well-being. It is a process of fostering and sustaining trust and an opportunity for diverse perspectives. The goals of engaging the community are to achieve long-term and sustainable outcomes, relationships, and decision-making.
Engaging the community in the planning for and redevelopment of brownfield sites is the single most critical element of a successful brownfield project. Educating the community on brownfields, garnering their input as to community needs and how those needs may be met through the redevelopment of the site(s), and soliciting their input regarding the ultimate redevelopment of the site(s) should all be part of the community engagement process.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to engaging the community. As every community is different and every community’s needs are different, it is critical that you construct a thoughtful and thorough plan before you engage. The answers to the following questions will help inform your community engagement plan:
Who is the community?
Remember that communities are diverse in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, socio-economics, mobility, and education attainment. Careful consideration in identifying ‘the community’ is needed.
Why are you engaging the community?
What is the purpose? What do you hope to achieve? Answers to these questions will help you determine the methods you select for engaging your community.
How will you engage the community?
There are many different tools and techniques available. Explore the variety and research how other communities have successfully used these methods, then select the methods appropriate for your community.
When will you engage the community?
It is recommended that you engage your community throughout the entire brownfields process (from planning through redevelopment).
What will you do with the results of the engagement?
How will you incorporate community feedback into the planning for and redevelopment of your brownfield site(s)? Feedback to the community and follow-through are critical!
Successful community engagement empowers citizens, elevates community spirit, strengthens social inclusion, and contributes to meaningful change.