The Office of Online Programs is providing you with key resources to help you navigate creating an online course.
NJIT Quality Assurance in eLearning Rubric (3rd edition): This rubric revised rubric is a more intiuitive version of the QA rubric that was previously approved by the TLT Committee and Faculty Senate, and it is based on Quality Matters national instructional design standards. This version was approved by the TLT committee in Spring 2024. All courses formally developed in collaboration with the Office of Online Programs must satisfy rubric requirements before course launch. To date, this rubric has only been applied to this specialized set of formally developed courses.
NJIT Online Course Core Standards: Courses that are part of fully online programs are expected to achieve alignment with NJIT’s Quality Assurance in eLearning rubric (see above). However, all other courses intended to be offered online are expected to meet the 10 criteria outlined in the NJIT Online Courses Core Standards. This rubric ensures that all courses meet a minimum standard and fulfill NJIT’s obligations and requirements for compliance on the state, regional, and federal levels.
Measurable Learning Outcomes: Measurable learning outcomes are the foundation for any course. This document provides a high-level overview of learning outcomes, Bloom's Taxonomy, and how to ensure measurability.
Online Student Workload: Online courses must conform to Carnegie Unit credit hour standards. This document helps faculty develop courses that account for student engagement levels that are in keeping with these standards and New Jersey Administrative Code.
Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) Guidance: Faculty regularly interacting with their online students are building community, providing valued feedback and also meeting federal legal obligations. Please review this resource to learn more.
Best Practices in Syllabus Design: This document helps faculty construct sound syllabi that account for online learning-based structures. It is also well-aligned with university policies.
Best Practices for Recording Lecture Content: Recorded lecture videos are an excellent way to create content for a flipped, hybrid, or online learning environment. With the right technology and preparation, creating quality lecture videos can be easier and less stressful. The following guidelines are ways that you can improve your recorded lecture content.
SARA Policy Manual: NJIT participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement which allows our institution to conduct interstate-based distance education activities.
- CRAC Guidelines: In order for NJIT to participate in SARA, our institution must abide by the Council of Regional Accreditation Commissions Interregional Guidelines for the Evaluation of Distance Education.
- Webinars and Trainings: Online Courses Core Standards