Guidelines for Graduate Faculty at NJIT
Approved by the Faculty 10 December 2021
Approved by the Provost 6 December 2021
Eligibility for Graduate Faculty Status
All NJIT Faculty members and non-NJIT Faculty members in federated departments and joint graduate degree programs are automatically members of the NJIT Graduate Faculty.
Instructional Staff (e.g., research professors, university lecturers, visiting professors, professors of practice, adjunct faculty) and Faculty Emeriti may be appointed to the Graduate Faculty for renewable terms of five years. Appointment is made by the academic Dean on the recommendation of the Graduate Faculty members of an academic department or unit, or interdisciplinary graduate program. It is endorsed by the Dean of the Graduate Faculty. Qualifications for appointment include a doctoral degree or accepted terminal degree in the relevant field and evidence of appropriate scholarly activity such as peer-reviewed journal publications, publication of scholarly books or book chapters, editorial activities, externally funded research grants, or the equivalent.
For agreements endorsed by NJIT’s Senior Administration for establishing joint or dual-degree graduate academic programs or long-term research collaborations with domestic or international universities, visitors holding tenure-track faculty positions in any of these universities may be appointed to NJIT’s Graduate Faculty for a renewable term of up to five years (not exceeding the remaining term of the related agreement). The process and required qualifications are similar to those for appointing NJIT Instructional Staff.
Privileges and Responsibilities of Graduate Faculty
- All NJIT Faculty members are eligible to serve as primary advisors for PhD dissertations and master’s theses and as chairpersons of PhD dissertation committees.
Other Graduate Faculty members may have primary responsibility for delivery of graduate courses, serve on PhD dissertation and master’s thesis committees, and serve as co-advisors of master’s theses. They are not eligible to serve as primary advisors or co-advisors for PhD dissertations, or as primary advisors for master’s theses, or to chair doctoral dissertation committees, unless approved by the Graduate Faculty of the relevant academic department or unit, or interdisciplinary graduate program with subsequent endorsements by the academic Dean and the Dean of the Graduate Faculty.