Withdrawal from Courses
Important Information Regarding Total and Partial Withdrawals:
Student is strongly encouraged to take the following steps:
- Consult with the Academic Advisor
- Consult with Career Development Services (Co-Op), if applicable
- Consult with Student Financial Aid Services and complete the exit interview. Financial Aid will be recalculated based on the date of withdrawal. Any balance remaining is the responsibility of the student.
- Consult with the Office of the Bursar regarding any financial obligations
- Get the permission of the Dean of Students if the withdrawal is for medical reasons
- International students must consult with the Office of Global Initiatives. A change in enrollment status may impact immigration status.
The following acts do not constitute a withdrawal:
- Nonattendance
- Discontinuing attendance
- Nonpayment
- Canceling a housing or meal plan contract
Medical Withdrawal
If a student is leaving the University for medical reason, the student must go to the Dean of Students Office to complete a withdrawal form. Any questions, please refer to the Dean of Students Office.
NJIT - Dean of Students
Campus Center 255
Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: (973) 596-3466
Fax: (973) 596-2951
Email: dos@njit.edu
Total withdrawal – Separation from the University
Students may elect to fully withdraw their enrollment at the New Jersey Institute of Technology at any time. Students must complete the withdrawal online through Highlander Pipeline. An enrollment withdrawal will end the student’s enrolled status with the University and cannot be modified once it is processed. Students are encouraged to discuss this withdrawal with their academic advisor prior to withdrawing. Students who are going to withdraw for medical reasons must get permission from the Dean of Students.
Students who withdraw from the University will lose access to all NJIT services including Highlander Pipeline and their NJIT student email account. Students who withdraw their enrollment will be responsible for any outstanding charges due to the University in accordance with University policy. After the 100% refund period ends, refunds are for tuition only, all fees are to be paid by the student.
Students with Financial Aid must reach out to Student Financial Aid Services prior to withdrawal from their classes. Financial aid, grants and scholarship may need to be adjusted based on the last day of attendance, according to federal and university guidelines. Students will receive notification from the Student Financial Aid Services regarding any balance due once the total enrollment withdrawal is processed.
Partial Withdrawal
Students must withdraw from a course using Highlander Pipeline. The date of partial withdrawal will determine the amount of tuition liability, as outlined in the refunds schedule listed on the academic calendar. Withdrawals requested via phone call or e-mail will not be honored. After the 100% refund period ends, refunds are for tuition only, all fees are to be paid by the student.
Withdrawal Grades
The following notation will appear on the academic transcripts: "W (Withdrawn)” for each withdrawn course.
Military withdrawal - Call to Service
Students called to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States will be allowed to withdraw from the university without penalty upon presenting an official copy of their military training or deployment orders to the Office of the Registrar - Veterans & Military Students Affairs. This must be done by the time a student is required to stop attending classes.
Students who withdraw before midterm will receive normal withdrawal notations (e.g., W, Withdrew grades) on the transcript. After midterm, students may, with the permission of the appropriate instructor, exercise one of two additional options: 1) receive final grades earned as of the date of withdrawal, if work of sufficient quantity and quality has been completed to warrant a passing grade for the term; or 2) receive an Incomplete grade for one or more courses if the work can be completed before the end of the following semester. Students who exercise one of these two options are subject to all other university policies regarding grades and will not receive a tuition refund for those courses in which a final grade or Incomplete is assigned.
The University will refund 100% of tuition and fees for the term that the student departs if the student withdraws from the course(s). For students who have room and/or board contracts in force, the cost of room and/or board will be reimbursed on a pro-rated basis.
While on active duty, the university will maintain registration until the student’s orders are completed. This will allow for seamless readmission into the university.
The University will refund 100% of tuition and fees for the term that a military spouse or dependent must withdraw due to redeployment or relocation, orders must be provided.