Room Swaps: Residence Life will maintain a list of all students interested in swapping spaces. "The Swap Interest List" is posted here.
Available Rooms: Residence Life will maintain a list of vacant spaces for students interested in a room change. The "Available Rooms List" is posted here.
Single rooms are omitted from this process and are not posted on the "Available Rooms List". Single rooms are offered to students currently on the single waiting list as well as those approved for a single room accommodation from the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (OARS).
Room Change Directions:
Each student will reach out to the person currently living in the space you would be entering to see if you would be a good roommate match.
Each student who is moving will complete the "Room Change/Swap" via the MyHousing Portal under "Applications and Forms".
You will receive an approval or denial for your room change request via email to your NJIT account.
Once you are approved you should complete an official check in of the new space in the building office. Once you have moved all of your belongings and clean your old space you will complete an official check out in your building office.
Available rooms are first come, first serve.
This form will be active after the first two weeks of the semester and will close approximately two weeks before the end of the semester. Should you have any questions, please email