NJIT TAB November Digest 2024
NJIT TAB Digest #1: November 2024
Brownfield-related news:
https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/trump-s-second-term-and-its-potential-7628633/ - Could a second Trump administration impact AAI and BPPP?
https://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/news/local/article295879839.html - A South Carolina shore community explores opportunities in brownfield redevelopment
https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-5-million-brownfields-cleanup-grant-revitalize-historic-family-services-building - Asbestos can be very costly to clean up and create a major hurdle for non-profits looking to fully utilize their space. Congratulations to Family Services in Poughkeepsie, NY on their $5M cleanup grant to transform this important community asset!
https://www.saul.com/insights/alert/njdep-proposes-amendments-site-remediation-regulations-and-rules-if-adopted-will#:~:text=Last%20month%2C%20NJDEP%20proposed%20a,seller%20(record%20owner)%20of%20the - What happens in NJ if you find out about possible contamination during due diligence? Who is responsible for reporting it, and when? The rules might get a lot more strict based on the current rule proposal.
Resource links:
https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2024/10/31/responding-disaster-placemaking-hubs - Thoughtful reuse of challenged spaces is a cornerstone of brownfield development. “Tactical Urbanism is an opportunity to recreate places instantaneously and the reason placemakers are so important, to respond to the immediate aftermath of a disaster”
https://www.southarts.org/grants-opportunities/southern-arts-relief-recovery-fund - Placemaking grants available for artists in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia who have been impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.
https://mainstreet.org/about/partner-collaborations/the-simons-foundation-science-discovery-on-main-street?mc_cid=59a36a259e&mc_eid=68f6221f06 - Temporary reuse of brownfield sites can activate an underutilized space. Main Street has grants available for pop-up engagement to showcase your town’s unique science-related assets! These activities can include:
Themed events that highlight unique science assets of your town
A parade that includes science
Science-based movie nights
Local trivia nights that include science categories
https://dep.nj.gov/greenacres/ - NJ communities–did you know that the NJDEP has funding available for urban parks and land acquisition for green space? Applications are due February 5, 2025!
https://dep.nj.gov/grantandloanprograms/technical-assistance-grants/ - Sometimes site contamination issues can get complex and you need someone in your corner. Hiring a quality LSRP can get expensive, but the NJDEP has grants available for NJ non-profits for professional LSRP services.
Success stories:
https://modernrecycledspaces.com/ - (currently researching)
https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/c1805a9c4db4421ba1c55afbdd0f3169 - Learn about how NJ communities are transforming their brownfields for climate resilience.
Assistance Highlights:
Reviewed site documents and reports for a museum site directly next to a large brownfield with a complex environmental history.
Summarized the environmental site status for a municipality and advised on next steps and possible funding sources to pursue.
Grant application reviews