Resilient and Sustainable Communities through Brownfield Redevelopment – From Eyesore to Asset
What are sustainability and resiliency?
Sustainability, as it relates to community development and redevelopment, can be defined as actions that meet human development needs without compromising natural resources and ecosystems upon which our society depends. Resilience, is defined as the ability to recover quickly from difficulties or challenges.
In their efforts to become more sustainable, many communities are focusing on such issues as creating economic development opportunities and jobs, and creating healthier environments with more open space and parks, and with better access to health care and healthy food. Many communities have been impacted by storm events, flooding, and droughts. In light of those impacts, as well as future potential impacts from climate change and sea level rise, communities are looking for ways to become more resilient.
The redevelopment of brownfield sites can play an important role in a community’s efforts to be more sustainable and/or resilient. This tool provides guidance to communities striving to become more sustainable and/or resilient, through examples of successful brownfield reuse, and with guidance and other tools that these communities can learn from and use.