Watch Recent TAB Webinars
View past webinars on topics ranging from brownfield storytelling to contaminants and human health.
Now available on our YouTube channel and under our Webinars menu is a large collection of past webinars that you can use as a helpful resource for your brownfields journey. Take a look below to see what we have and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for even more videos.
Life After BOA
- Ms. Carrie Martin, AICP, Environmental Sustainability Planner, Center for Community Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT TAB)
- Lesley Zlatev, Revitalization Specialist, NYS Department of State (DOS)
New York State communities, do you have a Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) designation and are unsure what your next steps should be? Don’t have a designation yet, but would like some insight on the process after designation? If you answered yes to any of these questions, mark your calendars and plan to join us for our upcoming webinar on Thursday, March 28 at 11:00AM ET.
Join our virtual workshop for New York State communities with Brownfield Opportunity Area designations to learn how to continue the brownfield revitalization process after designation.NYS DOS and NJIT TAB want to help you and your community further your revitalization efforts!
After the webinar, there will be a Q&A session where you can ask the panelists about any specific questions that you may have.
Brownfields: A Story To Tell
- Ms. Elise Molleur, Brownfield Redevelopment Specialist, Center for Community Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Mr. Rogers carried a note in his wallet that said: "there isn't anyone you couldn't love once you've heard their story." Believe it or not, this can be true even for those abandoned old industrial sites that plague almost every community. This webinar focuses on the significance of being able to tell the history of the impacts of contamination to our neighborhoods, and the humanity in redevelopment potential. Why is this important? Effectively telling the story of your project is critical to accessing resources, such as funding and partnerships. Join us to learn techniques to re-imagine the way you describe your brownfield redevelopment project to maximize the positive impact for communities, officials, and organizations.
Climate Change and Brownfields
- Ms. Carrie Martin, AICP, Environmental Sustainability Planner, Center for Community Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Join us as we dive into key concepts related to climate change preparation and resiliency (climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, resilience) and how to apply this knowledge to future U.S. EPA brownfield funding applications. Attendees will be able to articulate how to redevelop their brownfield sites to better protect their communities from climate threats and reduce greenhouse gasses emissions through renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Brownfield Contaminants and Human Health
- Mr. Joseph Reiner, Brownfield Redevelopment Specialist, Center for Community Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Redeveloping vacant and polluted sites can be a long process. Some communities have had success with temporary, interim site uses related to pop-up economic, social, or artistic experimentation. This webinar will present the benefits, special considerations, and a toolkit to help local governments, non-profits, and practitioners embark on their own brownfield Cinderella story!
Pop-Up Progress: Unveiling the Magic of Temporary Brownfield Makeovers
- Ms. Cailyn Bruno, PG, LSRP, Director, Environmental Services, Center for Community Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Spencer K. Gober, AICP, Associate Manager, Office of Community & Economic Development, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Redeveloping vacant and polluted sites can be a long process. Some communities have had success with temporary, interim site uses related to pop-up economic, social, or artistic experimentation. This webinar will present the benefits, special considerations, and a toolkit to help local governments, non-profits, and practitioners embark on their own brownfield Cinderella story!