What is TAB?
Technical Assistance to Brownfield (TAB) Communities is a program, funded by a grant from the USEPA, which is intended to serve as an independent resource to communities and nonprofits attempting to cleanup and reclaim brownfields.
Who Provides TAB Services?
The New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), New Jersey's science and technology university, has been providing brownfield services to US communities for more than two decades. NJIT’s multi-disciplinary TAB Team consists of planners, engineers, environmental scientists, and social scientists who have helped hundreds of communities throughout the country with their brownfield projects.
Who Can Receive TAB Assistance?
Free NJIT TAB services are provided to state, regional, county, tribal and local government entities, and nonprofits in EPA Regions 2 & 4 who are interested in learning about, identifying, assessing, cleaning up and/or redeveloping brownfields.
What Services Can TAB Provide?
NJIT provides free technical assistance to state, regional, county, tribal, and local government entities and nonprofit organizations interested in learning about, identifying, assessing, cleaning up, and redeveloping brownfield sites in EPA Regions 2 & 4.
Types of Assistance provided by NJIT TAB include (but are not limited to):
- Guidance on funding opportunities
- Explaining laws and regulations
- Navigating regulatory programs
- Consultant Procurement (review of draft RFPs, creation of evaluation criteria, consultant selection)
- Review and critique of grant applications
- Interpretation of technical and scientific reports and data (such as site characterization results)
- Development of Strategic Plans
- Development of community specific site evaluation and prioritization processes
- Community Assets and Needs Workshops
- Development of Site Redevelopment Visions
- Explaining clean-up technologies
- Design and conduct of community engagement activities
- Educational workshops such as Brownfields 101
- Seminars, Webinars, and Boot Camps on specific brownfield related topics
- Community planning and visioning workshops
- All-EPA Brownfield grantee meetings
- And much more!
We tailor our assistance to your needs.
The Three Ways NJIT provides TAB Services are:
- Our Brownfield Academy: This website is comprised of an interactive visual web based platform containing learning modules, 2-D how-to-videos, live action success story videos, previously recorded webinars, downloads of workshop and bootcamp presentations, and other valuable resources such as state and Federal brownfield contacts, upcoming events, funding opportunities, frequently asked questions, success stories, sample successful EPA brownfield grant applications, sample RFPs, links to important resources, and much more.
- Community Engagement and Education: Events include Brownfield Basics workshops, Grant Writing workshops, community workshops, breaking brownfields events, brownfield summits, all-grantee meetings, NJ Interagency Working Group Brownfields Collaborative Forums, and webinars on pertinent brownfields topics as well as specific issues tailored to meet your specific needs.
- One-On-One Technical Assistance: NJIT TAB tailors its one-on-one technical assistance to each specific community. The goal of the one-on-one technical assistance is to guide communities through the brownfield identification, assessment, cleanup, and revitalization process, helping them understand complex brownfields-related subject matters. Examples of one-on-one technical assistance include:
- Guidance on brownfield funding opportunities
- Help with consultant procurement process
- Design and conduct of community engagement
- Development of brownfield prioritizations
- Review & critique of brownfield grant applications
- Guidance on regulatory programs
- Interpretation of technical reports and data
- Answering your brownfield questions
- Brownfield workshops and webinars
- Developing brownfield redevelopment strategies
NJIT TAB provides one-on-one technical assistance via in-person and virtual meetings, and through emails and phone calls. There is no application process. Just give us a call or send us an email.