Institutional Inclusivity & Belonging Initiatives
Advancing NJIT to create an more inclusive organizational culture.
New Jersey Institute of Technology faculty, staff and students participated in a survey to better understand how members of our campus community experience the institution in terms of its commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. The Committee on Inclusive Excellence will work with university leaders to respond to the recommendations from this report to help make NJIT a more equitable and inclusive campus community. To learn more about the findings of the survey and read the report, click on this link for more information:
The Committee on Inclusive Excellence will review, address, respond and make recommendations to Inclusion, sense of belonging, and culture of belonging priorities impacting New Jersey Institute of Technology faculty, students, and staff, especially those priorities that impact the experience for historically marginalized populations across identities such as race, ethnicity, religion, and accessibility.
The Committee on Inclusive Excellence will work in partnership with University Senate, NJIT senior leadership and various internal and external stakeholders to put forward recommendations that move NJIT toward a more inclusive and belonging organization.
The Committee on Inclusive Excellence will work with partners locally, regionally, nationally, and globally to elevate NJIT’s commitment to Inclusion, sense of belonging, and culture of belonging as a leading polytechnic minority serving institution and leader in STEM education, research, economic development, and service.
The Committee on Inclusive Excellence Membership (2024-2025 academic year)
The Committee on Inclusive Excellence is Chaired by Chief Diversity Officer, Dr. David E. Jones and is comprised of 24 members of the university community: students, faculty, and staff. The committee meets monthly. Members of the NJIT community may be invited to meetings throughout the academic year to ensure all voices and thought across the university are included.
Each spring semester, Chief Diversity Officer, Dr. David E. Jones will invite the NJIT community to join him for a Inclusivity & Belonging University Forum where members of the university community can receive IB institutional updates and hear from a expert on how we as an institution continue to advance IB.
The Spring 2023 Semester was the inaugural year for this forum and featured Chief Diversity Officer, Dr. David E. Jones providing his IB vision. It also featured a keynote from globally recognized IB consultant and speaker, Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington. Watch the March 2023 IB University Forum.
The Office of Inclusive Excellence hopes you will join us for the 2nd annual IB University Forum in the Spring 2024 Semester.
This annual lecture brings together faculty, students, staff, alumni, Board of Trustees, Foundation Board of Directors, NJIT partners and community members to hear from a distinguished scholar on topics related to Inclusion, sense of belonging, and culture of belonging. This event provides attendees an opportunity to increase our capacity to better serve our inclusive community and build community across our differences through a meaningful learning experience. This lecture is held during the fall semester each academic year.
The Faculty and Staff Courageous Conversations Series is an in person learning experience designed to engage faculty and staff in inclusion, sense of belonging, and culture of belonging topics to increase their awareness of self and others in a collective effort to advance our various organizational culture toward greater inclusion and belonging. This series is open to all faculty and staff. These sessions are led by Chief Diversity Officer, Dr. David E. Jones.
All sessions are held on the second Wednesday of the month (September, October, November, February, March, and April) from 2:30-4:00pm in the Eberhardt Hall, Room 112
September 13, 2023
October 11, 2023
November 8, 2023
February 14, 2024
March 13, 2024
April 10, 2024