Outgoing packages to be sent out via FedEx should be delivered to the Mailroom (located in the lower level of Cullimore Hall) along with a typed address label showing the recipient's address and the sender's return address (including department and name). Small packages can also be left in the outgoing mail bin of the department for pickup by mailroom staff during normal rounds. However, depending on the timing of the pickup, these packages may not go out until the next business day.
FedEx requires that a pick-up request be made at least 3 hours prior to the closing of the mailroom (4:30pm). As such, all outgoing packages should be brought to the mailroom by 1:30pm. Upon receipt, the mailroom will contact FedEx for a pickup from the mailroom.
Should you have a package to be sent out after the mailroom is closed, you can place it in the FedEx drop box located outside the mailroom on Bleeker Street. Packages in the drop box are picked up at 6pm by FedEx drivers.
The NJIT mailroom has a FedEx account that should be used by departments when sending out packages. The mailroom will pay the FedEx bill for these shipments then will back charge the department's index for the shipping cost. In this way, a PO number does not need to be generated by the department. Departments are discouraged from using their own UPS accounts as the department may not get the preferred shipping rates that the mailroom account receives and the department would need to process their own POs and invoices.