Whether it's your first time registering, or you just need a reminder, these are all of our tips for registration.
NJIT Schedule Builder
Looking for an easy way to plan out your schedule? NJIT's Schdeule Builder is a great place to start.
Registration Planning
If you haven't already, make a plan to submit as soon as registration opens.
Registering For Classes
Are you prepared for registration? Here's how to finally register.
Academic Resources
We know that your classes can be hard but finding the resources to help you can be harder. Here is some helpful advice when you're searching for answers.
Navigating Highlander Pipeline
The Highlander Pipeline can be overwhelming, let us show you a few tips.
What is Degreeworks?
Let's review your degree.
Library & Bookstore
Shhhhh... The librarians don't talk about these tips.
Highlander Hub
On & Around Campus
Commuters and residents alike need to know the places and events on campus. Here's a fraction of what we can offer you.
Working On Campus
Extra free time? Looking to pay for some classes? Need work experience? Find work on campus through Cornerstone.
What's Around Campus?
Studying makes you tired. Refuel around campus.
Transportation & Commuting
Need help finding a place to park? What about taking the train? Here is what we suggest.
On-Campus Living
80% of NJIT students commute. Let's find you a place to stay if you're part of the 20%.