Summer Session Frequently Asked Questions
Registration for Summer 2025 will being on Thursday, March 27 at 8:30 a.m. The last day to register for any course during the Full Summer Session is June 3, 2025; First Summer Session is May 29, 2025; or Middle Summer Session is May 31, 2025. The last day to register for any course during the Second Summer Session is July 11, 2025. Please click here for other important Summer Session dates.
There are 4 different sessions offered during the summer. Full Summer Session is May 27, 2025 - August 14, 2025; First Summer Session is May 27, 2025 - June 30, 2025; Middle Summer Session is May 27, 2025 - July 21, 2025; and Second Summer Session is July 8, 2025 - August 11, 2025. Please refer to the Summer Academic Calendar for more information.
Current NJIT students are expected to meet with an advisor before they register for any summer courses. They should also obtain the appropriate course registration permits (if any) from the academic department. Visiting/non-matriculated students and other non-current NJIT students should consult with the Office of University Admissions first (Shannon O'Brien, Coordinator of Summer/Winter Enrollment and Recruitment Events, 973-596-3312, sobrien@njit.edu).
Yes, online courses are designated as such in the course schedule. Make sure you click on "Summer 2025" in the top left corner to review a list of summer courses organized in alphabetical order by subject name.
Yes, attendance is mandatory unless otherwise specified by faculty.
Non-matriculated students are limited to a total of 9 graduate credits or 15 undergraduate credits. Once these limits are reached, students are expected to enroll in a degree program if they want to continue their studies at NJIT.Non-matriculated students are limited to a total of 9 graduate credits or 15 undergraduate credits. Once these limits are reached, students are expected to enroll in a degree program if they want to continue their studies at NJIT.
Tuition is due on the Wednesday before the first day of summer classes. Please refer to the Critical Payment Due dates here. For more information, please contact the Bursar Office.
Please click here for summer financial aid details.
Payment plans are available. If payment deferment is needed until the beginning of the fall semester, please contact the Bursar Office.
Tuition and fees do differ for the summer sessions. Please review detailed information here.
Students who wish to audit a course must state their intention to do so at the time of registration. Change in auditing status is not permitted once the session has begun. Students who audit are required to pay full tuition and fees for the course. Audited courses are not counted in determining full-time status. Students on probation are not permitted to audit. Please click here for information on tuition and fees.
The last day to receive a 100% refund is May June 3, 2025 for Full Summer Session; May 29, 2025 for First Summer Session; May 31, 2025 for Middle Summer Session; July 11, 2025 for Second Summer Session. Please refer to the Summer Academic Calendar for other important dates.
Yes. Students will receive a 100% refund if the course is dropped by the withdrawal date. Click here for withdrawal deadlines and other important Summer Session dates.
If you withdraw from a class on or before the withdrawal date, you will receive a “W”. Withdrawals after the withdrawal deadline will receive a grade of "F". For more information on withdrawals deadlines and other important Summer Session dates, please refer to the Summer Academic Calendar.
Students can obtain class information by logging onto the Highlander Pipeline or contacting the assigned faculty. Assigned faculty information can be found on Moodle or in the course schedule. Make sure you click on "Summer 2023" in the top left corner to review a list of summer courses organized in alphabetical order by subject name.
Final grades will be posted on the Highlander Pipeline. For a transcript request, please go here.
Yes. For summer housing information, please contact Residence Life or visit Summer Housing.
Please click here for courses offered during the Summer Session. Make sure you click on "Summer 2025" in the top left corner to review a list of summer courses organized in alphabetical order by subject name.
An NJIT student may take a single course no more than four times at NJIT and/or another institution, including withdrawals. If an undergraduate course is repeated at NJIT, then the lowest of the grades is excluded in computation of the cumulative GPA and all other grades are included. All grades are shown on the student's transcript.
Closed courses require approval from the respective academic department. Please contact that department for permission to enroll in the closed course. In the meantime, going on the registration waitlist is highly recommended.
There is no need to register your vehicle for on-campus parking during the summer months. You may use your existing NJIT Photo Identification Card to access most parking lot gates. Visiting students can access the Parking Deck (located at 154 Summit Street) by using the intercom button which is located on the card access panel. Visiting students are not issued NJIT Photo IDs.
Schedule a one-on-one appointment with our Coordinator of Summer/ Winter Enrollment, Shannon O'Brien. You can register for an appointment here.