The following information is designed to help you understand the policies and procedures governing on-campus housing.
NJIT students must adhere to all federal, state, and local laws. Serious policy violations may be referred to the Dean of Students Office or the Professional Code of Conduct. For more information, see Student Policies, and the 2024-2025 Living on Campus Guide. Resident students are encouraged to have renters insurance through family homeowners' insurance or providers like Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. or National Student Services, Inc.
Publicity in residence halls is allowed only on designated bulletin boards (not on/under doors). All fliers must be approved and stamped by Residence Life and Student Life before distribution.
Approval Process:
- Bring fliers to Residence Life (Cypress Hall) for approval (Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm).
- After approval, it’s the group’s responsibility to make 70 copies for posting in each building.
Posting Guidelines:
- Only one flier per event per bulletin board.
- No fliers on/under room doors, building entrances.
- Flyers must have clear, concise, and appropriate graphics.
- Residence Life will distribute fliers in buildings if needed.
- Greek Village fliers can be distributed by Residence Life or the Greek Village Office.
Failure to comply will result in a warning, and repeated violations may lead to a ban on posting materials. Non-compliant materials will be removed.
Due to the majority of on-campus students being under 21, it is important to understand the University’s and New Jersey’s alcohol policies, which Residence Life and Public Safety will enforce. Violations may result in a referral to the Residence Life Office.
A. Possession
- Students 21+ may possess and consume alcohol only in their own rooms.
- Alcohol cannot be consumed or distributed in any location other than individual rooms of students 21+.
- Students under 21 may not possess empty alcohol containers.
- Money collection for alcohol-related functions is prohibited.
- Students 21+ found with alcohol will be reminded not to distribute to minors.
- Students under 21 have the alcohol poured out upon being confronted by staff.
B. Underage
- Students under 21 in possession of alcohol (sealed or unsealed) will pour it out.
- If minors are in a room with open alcohol containers, all present will face charges.
- Presumption of consumption if alcohol is present and the student is under 21.
C. Common Areas
- Intoxication is prohibited in public areas.
- Students 21+ may transport sealed alcohol to their rooms through common areas.
- No alcohol storage in foyer areas.
D. General Guidelines
- Residents are responsible for their guests’ compliance with alcohol policies.
- Students must show proof of legal age when asked.
- Kegs and beer balls are prohibited in campus residences.
- Parents/guardians of students under 18 will be notified of alcohol violations.
- Violating students may face educational sessions or an alcohol assessment.
- Gatherings violating alcohol policies will be terminated, and alcohol confiscated.
- Failure to comply with staff or provide ID is a violation.
- Public Safety may be involved if necessary.
Students are expected to uphold these policies, and Residence Life staff will address any violations.
Residence Life, Health Services, and Facilities Services work together to identify and control bed bugs. The University contracts a certified pest control company for treatments and follow-up.
Bribing university staff for residence life privileges is forbidden.
NJIT residents are responsible for cleaning their rooms, including bathrooms and foyers in certain halls and Greek Village. Residence Life staff and/or the State Fire Marshal conduct health and safety inspections to check for cleanliness, safety issues, and prohibited items. Damages are noted, and prohibited items are confiscated. If a room fails inspection, it will be re-inspected within seven days. A second failure may result in fines, judicial referral, sanctions, or dismissal from the residence hall.
The use of university facilities for commercial sales by individuals or non-University organizations is prohibited. University organizations may sell materials with approval to support their purpose. Solicitation by residents, guests, or outside vendors (including door-to-door advertising) is not allowed in residence halls.
Students who witness or anticipate a violation must immediately remove themselves and report it to NJIT staff. Withholding information is a violation. Being present during a policy violation may be seen as supporting or encouraging it, and you will be held responsible.
Damage to common areas from vandalism may be charged to the individuals, floor, or hall involved. If you have information about such damage, inform Residence Life staff. Note: Command strips are not allowed in Maple Hall.
Any NJIT student found in possession, use, or distribution of controlled substances may be suspended or dismissed from on-campus housing and/or NJIT. The Residence Life Office and Dean of Students will take further action. Possession of drug paraphernalia is also prohibited. Parents/guardians will be notified if the student is underage and not emancipated. Violations may result in educational sessions or a drug assessment.
Student Lounges: Lounge furniture is for student use and cannot be removed. Students found with lounge furniture will be fined $50 per item and required to attend a judicial meeting.
Student Rooms: University furniture must stay in the room. Mattresses should only be used on bed frames. To request bunked beds, submit a maintenance request—do not use personal supplies to bunk beds. All beds must be free-standing with attached legs. Personal items must be removed at checkout; a fee will be charged for left items. Damaged or missing furniture will be billed to residents. Liquid-filled beds and furniture are not allowed, and lofts are only permitted in Redwood Hall with provided furniture.
The State Fire Marshal inspects buildings and rooms at least once a year. Residents are responsible for resolving violations immediately, and fines will be added to their accounts.
Prohibited Items:
- Candles, incense, potpourri, flame emitting articles, electric and scent warmers
- Outside furniture
- Hot plates/pots, halogen/high intensity lamps, grills, space heaters, immersion heaters, air conditioners, electic blankets, toasters, toaster ovens, rice cookers, and crock pots (except in designated areas in Oak, Maple Halls, and Greek Village)
- Extension cords and multi-plug outlets (surge-protected power strips only) Power strips may not be plugged into another power strip.
- Wood, paneling, and/or tiles
- Flammable liquids
- Flags, jerseys, clothing, tapestries, and other cloth items on walls and windows
- In general no more than 20% of walls may be covered.
- Anything strung across the room (e.g., holiday lights, sheets)
- Soldering irons may be stored in residential rooms, but cannot be used in the halls
- Setting or fueling a fire, no matter how large or small, is strictly prohibited
- No smoking of any type is allowed in the residence halls.
Approved Appliances:
- One microwave (up to 1000 watts/9.5 amps) per room
- One MicroFridge or two 1.7 cubic-foot refrigerators, or one 4.5 cubic-foot fridge per bedroom
- Maple Hall residents have a full-size fridge and microwave provided; no additional units allowed
- One toaster/toaster oven, one rice cooker, one air fryer and one crock-pot, in Oak Hall, Maple Hall and the Greek Village only, are permitted in each apartment/room to be used in the designated kitchen area
Fire Safety:
- Fire drills occur twice a semester; all residents must evacuate during alarms. Failure to vacate the building will result in disciplinary action.
- Fire alarms, extinguishers, and smoke/heat/CO2 detectors are located on each floor and in rooms.
- Contact your RA or the building office immediately and submit a maintenance request.
- Tampering with fire equipment will result in disciplinary action
For the safety and well-being of all residents, the possession, carrying, or use of weapons, dangerous items, or explosives is strictly prohibited in university residence halls. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Firearms (e.g., pistols, rifles, shotguns, dart guns, paint guns, blow guns, or ammunition)
- Bows and arrows
- Knives (e.g., dirk knives, razors, switchblades, or other dangerous knives)
- Fireworks, firecrackers, or explosives
- Martial arts equipment
Residents are expected to uphold these policies to ensure a safe living environment for everyone.
Gambling of any kind is not permitted.
uests are welcome in NJIT residence halls under the following guidelines to ensure safety and respect. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action or suspension of guest privileges.
Definition of a Guest
A guest is defined as any individual visiting a resident of the hall at the resident’s invitation. Unlawful occupancy by individuals not authorized to reside in the halls may result in judicial action.
General Rules
- Check-In/Out: Guests must sign in and out with their host present. Hosts must accompany guests at all times.
- Roommate Consent: Guests are allowed only with roommate approval.
- Host Responsibility: Hosts are accountable for their guests’ behavior and must inform them of NJIT policies.
Guests Under 16
- Must be accompanied by their host at all times.
- Overnight stays require prior approval via an Overnight Guest Registration Form submitted to reslife@njit.edu by 12 PM on the business day before the visit. Send the form to reslife@njit.edu, copying all room/suitemates to show that they approve of the underage guest.
- Guests age 15 and under must be accompanied, at all times, by an adult. Guests age 15 and under are not permitted to an overnight stay in the halls without prior permission from Residence Life via an approved Overnight Guest Registration Form.
Identification & Passes
- Guests must carry guest passes and valid IDs (e.g., government-issued ID, passport, valid drivers license) at all times. IDs are kept at the desk during visits.
- Guests must check out and take their ID when leaving the building (e.g., visiting the Tech Café). Residents cannot use their NJIT ID to sign in guests.
- Unclaimed ID’s are not the responsibility of the Residence Life Office.
Limits & Restrictions
- Maximum 3 guests per resident and 8 people total in a room/apartment (exceptions: Oak 105, x08, x09 allow up to 10 people).
- Guests may stay up to 2 nights per week and cannot move between hosts to extend their stay.
- Residence Life may deny guest entry at any time.
Greek Village Access
- Greek Village residents can access all halls. Residence hall students may only enter the Greek Village as guests of a resident.
Assault, threats, harassment, stalking, intimidation, coercion, or actions endangering others—whether physical, verbal, written, or digital—are prohibited. Report violations to Residence Life, the Dean of Students, or Public Safety.
Hoverboards (self-balancing scooters, hands-free Segways), electric scooters, and e-bikes powered by lithium-ion batteries are prohibited from being operated or stored on campus or in any NJIT building. This ban, aligned with Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) safety concerns, is in place to protect the well-being of the university community.
Residents must carry their valid NJIT ID at all times and swipe in to enter their residence hall. IDs must also be presented to the Desk Attendant for verification.
Guests must be signed in and carry their guest pass; see guest visitation policies for details.
Misuse of IDs, failure to comply with staff, or providing false identification is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action or fines.
Residence hall keys may not be duplicated, and room combinations must not be shared with non-residents. Possession of unauthorized duplicates or NJIT keys will result in fines and/or disciplinary action.
Lost keys or failure to return keys at checkout will result in a $50 lock change fee. Combinations are changed whenever residents move out, and only authorized NJIT personnel may change room/suite combinations.
If a student is determined to be missing, NJIT will notify the designated contact person(s) within 24 hours. This information is confidential and only accessible to authorized campus officials, and may be shared with law enforcement if necessary.
For students under 18 and not emancipated, NJIT will also notify a custodial parent or guardian within 24 hours, in addition to the student's contact person(s).
In all cases, NJIT will notify the Newark Police Department within 24 hours of determining the student is missing.
All floors observe 24-hour courtesy hours. Residents are expected to keep noise at an acceptable level to avoid disturbing others, as everyone has different schedules. Specific quiet hours will be discussed at community standards meetings.
During final exam periods, all floors are under 24-hour quiet hours starting at 10 p.m. the night before Reading Day. During quiet hours, no noise should be audible outside of a resident's room. Music, TVs, conversations, etc., should be kept at a low volume.
Additional Guidelines:
- Stereo speakers cannot be placed in windows or aimed outdoors.
- Shouting or making loud noises from windows or doors is prohibited if it can be heard from another building.
Animals are not permitted on campus for sanitation and safety reasons, except for one fish tank (10 gallons or less).
Emotional Support Animals (ESA)
ESAs are prescribed for students with disabilities as part of treatment. To request an ESA in residence halls, students must contact the Office of Accessibility Resources & Services (OARS) at oars@njit.edu and submit the necessary documentation from both a healthcare provider and a veterinarian. ESA requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with Residence Life.
College staff are not responsible for caring for or feeding ESAs, including during emergencies. Emergency personnel will decide whether to remove the animal and are not liable for its care or safety.
The following items are prohibited in residence halls. Any items found will be confiscated and may lead to disciplinary action. Confiscated items can be picked up at the building office, but unclaimed items will be discarded or donated.
- Air conditioners/heaters
- Alcohol paraphernalia (beer pong tables, funnels, kegs, etc.)
- Candles, fireworks, oil lamps, incense, or any open flame devices
- Dart boards
- Homemade or modified electrical wiring
- Empty alcohol containers (unless over 21)
- Extension cords or multi-plug outlets (power strips with surge protectors allowed)
- Items hanging outside windows (e.g., antennas)
- Firearms or weapons
- Flammable liquids or chemicals (gasoline, charcoal, etc.)
- Electric scent warmers
- Halogen lamps or other high-intensity lights
- Heating or cooking appliances without an auto shut-off (e.g., hot plates, air fryers, electric blankets, toasters, rice cookers, crock pots, grills and space heaters) Oak/Maple & the Greek Village: one toaster/toaster oven, rice cooker and crock-pot is allowed in the designated kitchen area.
- Illegal drugs and/or drug paraphernalia
- Kerosene lamps
- Smoking (including cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, hookahs)
- Liquid-filled furniture
- Christmas trees or flammable decorations (3ft tabletop artificial trees allowed)
- Lofts (except Redwood beds)
- Microwaves over 1000 watts or 9.5 amps (Maple: no additional microwaves)
- Mattresses (unless approved for medical reasons)
- Televisions over 42 inches (one TV per person is allowed)
- String lights (only battery-powered LED lights allowed)
- Animals (fish in a 10-gallon tank allowed)
- Refrigerators over 4.5 cubic feet (only one per bedroom) or two 1.7 cubic feet (Maple is not allowed an additional refrigerator)
- Stickers on walls, windows, or furniture
- Weightlifting equipment (barbells)
- Outside furniture (desk chair is allowed but must keep original chair in room)
- 3D Printers
- Surveillance or Recording Devices
- Command Strips (Maple Hall ONLY)
Sports activities, including but not limited to hockey, cycling, in-line skating, scooters, skateboarding, football, baseball, lacrosse, Frisbee, tennis, bowling, and similar activities, are prohibited in the residence halls. Water guns and water balloons may only be used outside the residence halls.
NJIT is dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment with accessible bathroom facilities. All community members and their guests may use bathrooms corresponding to their gender identity. In suites residents should discuss bathroom usage with roommates/suitemates to ensure mutual respect and avoid conflicts.
Smoking (including cigarettes, marijuana, e-cigarettes, cigars, vapes, etc.) is prohibited in all University buildings and within 25 feet of any campus building, including individual rooms, hallways, and lounges. This applies to medical marijuana as well. Violators will face disciplinary action and be responsible for cleaning fees.
To conserve energy and protect room furnishings, windows should be closed when not in use. Screens and window treatments may not be removed, and nothing should be placed or thrown out the window. Removal of screens or window treatments will result in a fine and disciplinary action. Throwing items out the window may lead to probation or suspension. Antennas or satellite dishes may not be mounted on windows. For fire safety, nothing can hang on or in front of windows, and items should not be placed on window sills. Window treatments provided are fire-resistant.