Safety & Security
Safety & Security
Residential Life, in collaboration with Public Safety, strives to create a safe and healthy living environment.
To get a replacement ID card, visit the Security Systems Department at 131 Summit Street (Laurel Hall, corner of Summit Avenue and Warren Street). A valid NJIT ID and hall sticker are required for residence hall access. Hall stickers will be distributed by your RA at the start of each semester. Your NJIT ID is required for entry into residence halls, special events, and serves as your meal card. All NJIT community members must present their ID when requested by any NJIT official.
NJIT's campus police are on-duty 24/7 to ensure safety, while Desk Attendants manage access at residence hall front desks. All individuals, including residents, must present a valid NJIT ID to enter any NJIT building. Non-residents are required to leave a photo ID at the front desk and wait for their host to escort them inside. Guests under 15 must obtain written permission from the residence coordinator to enter the building.
NJIT/Residence Life is not responsible for any damages or theft of items residents bring to campus. We recommend securing renters insurance or adding your belongings to your parents' homeowners insurance for coverage. For more information on insuring your student's property, visit College Student Insurance & National Student Services, Inc.
Propping doors open compromises the security of the residence halls. If you find a door propped open, please remove the object, close the door, and it will lock automatically.
When the fire alarm sounds, assume it's real and evacuate immediately. Residents and guests must leave the building. If you need assistance, notify Residence Life. Failure to evacuate will result in disciplinary action. Violating fire safety rules, such as setting off false alarms or tampering with fire extinguishers, can lead to suspension, criminal prosecution, and/or disciplinary action.
Fire Exit Procedures
- Think quickly and safely. Common sense can save lives.
- Dress appropriately and cover your face with a towel if needed.
- Check the door: If hot, stay inside and call 973-596-3111. If cool, open slowly and exit if clear.
- If there's smoke, drop low and crawl to the nearest exit.
- Once outside, go to designated assembly areas:
- Cypress/Redwood: Campus Center
- Laurel/Oak: Parking Deck
- Honors: Greek Village side
- Greek Village: Honors Green
- Maple Hall: VentureLink side
- Report any relevant information to staff outside.
Residents must keep their keys and combinations secure and carry them at all times. Sharing keys or combinations with anyone who does not reside in the room will result in disciplinary action.
- NJIT respects residents’ privacy but reserves the right for authorized personnel to enter rooms under the following circumstances:
- In emergencies involving danger to life or property, without notice.
- For health and safety inspections, with notice.
- For routine or immediate maintenance.
- When prohibited conditions or violations are observed.
- When there is reasonable belief that a room is being used contrary to policies.
Staff may enter rooms for these reasons without the resident present. Staff will always knock and announce their entry. Residents are not allowed to enter another student's room when they are not present. Room searches by NJIT staff or police require approval from the dean of students or a legal search warrant. Prohibited items will be confiscated and must be signed out from the hall office to be taken home. Items left after hall closure will be discarded or donated.
Report all thefts to Public Safety at 973-596-3120. Always keep your door locked when you're not in your room and secure your belongings.