In response to the recent increase in COVID-19 cases, the January ITE Workshops will be consolidated into a one-day event that will be offered virtually.
Techniques to Improve Relationship Building with Students - Developing relationships with students in a classroom is a key component to student success. This presentation will explore methods an instructor can use to build relationships with students before, during, and after a course. Participants will share their experiences with one another to discuss strategies that can be easily implemented to improve relationship building. Matthew Bandelt
Trauma Informed Teaching - Teaching with Compassion - The session focuses on providing an understanding and some tactics to assist faculty in supporting student learning through a discussion of trauma-informed teaching principles. The session will include small group discussion. Melodi Guilbault and Megan O’Neill
Lunch Break
Employing Empathy to Humanize the Learning Experience - Personas provide a tool for highlighting the needs and motivations of our learners. In this interactive workshop, we will explore how a persona may inform a common icebreaker activity. You will walk away with a persona template that you may use for your own class. Cassie Sardo and Todd Taylor
Panel Discussion: Strategies for Supporting Students - For many of our students, the pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges. This session will explore how these challenges have impacted our students and strategies for supporting them during these difficult times.