ITE Workshop - January 2018
ITE January Workshop
January 10, 2018
To register please send an email to
8:30-9:00 | Registration & Breakfast | |
9:00 - 9:30 |
Breakfast and Introductions |
9:30 - 10:30 |
5 Minute Videos for 5 Minute Millennials One approach to constructing instructional video material is employing dynamic elements to sustain attention and promote retention. The instructor’s challenge is to resolve the tension between students’ limited attention span and the sustained effort necessary for successful study. The face-to-face environment admits tactics not available with video-based instruction. Video instruction relies on action and replay. The Short-Sharp-Shock Video is one way to address the attention challenge. Andrew Pole CKB G-8 |
Creating Interactive Learning Objects in Moodle Learn how to use the H5P tool in Moodle to create interactive content, including interactive presentation slides with built-in questions, video quizzes, timelines, and flashcards. Nikki Bosca CKB 116 |
10:30- 11:30 |
Converged, HyFlex, Hybrid, Online. What course modalities are available to me at NJIT? In this presentation we will review the 5 Definitions of course delivery and how can you can get started in adapting your course to teach in the modality of your choice. Mike Koskinen CKB 08 |
Savvy Researcher: Create and Manage Your Online Scholarly Presence A professional online presence allows scholars to increase the visibility of their publications, to identify new colleagues, readers, and potential collaborators worldwide, to increase the reach and impact of their work. This is a hands-on workshop where you can work on any of the various platforms with the assistance of a librarian to create and manage your online identity-- such as Google Scholar, ResearchGate, SCOPUS, Twitter, ORCID, Joesph Mercuri and Raymond Vasquez CKB 116 |
11:30-12:00 |
Break and Lunch CKB 116 |
12:00- 1:00 |
Lunch presentation and conversation with Provost Dr. Fadi Deek CKB 116
1:00- 2:00 |
Kaltura Capture Space. A Better Way To Record Your Learning Objects Please join Kaltura with learning how to create engaging and interactive digital media for your courses. Presentation to be given by Kaltura. CKB 116
2:00- 3:00 |
Teaching Teamwork in Online Classes When we assign group projects without teaching teamwork principles, we mistakenly assume that students already know how to work with others to accomplish a task. Instead of simply assigning “group work,” we can design opportunities for students to practice humanistic understanding and robust communication that will enable them to form coherent, high-performing teams based on mutual trust. Bernadette Longo CKB 116 |
Moodle Review: Open-Ended Topics This Q&A session will deal with new features of Moodle and address questions from attendees. Michael Koskinen & Nikki Bosca CKB 08 |
3:00- 4:00 |
Open Educational Resources Panel This panel will explore strategies for identifying and incorporating open educational resources into the curriculum. The panel will include NJIT faculty who have participated in NJIT's Open and Affordable Textbook (OAT) Initiative. CKB 116 |
4:00 |
Drawing for Prizes CKB 116 |
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